Saturday, August 28, 2010

How many women will get breast cancer this year

How many women will get breast cancer this year?
There is so much promotion for breast cancer this month. I know the numbers must be staggering if it is getting so much coverage online, in stores and in the news.
Women's Health - 3 Answers
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1 :
Boy!! What a question! I hope not many, that's why we have to take care of ourselves. Yes it's a major deadly desease, my wonderful aunt died from that about a year ago, It is so sad, so awful, we have to take care of ourselves, I'm going to go get tested soon. I'm in my mid thirties.
2 :
How many men will get testicular cancer? That's an equally popular cancer that's never discussed. It spreads quite unobserved and the person doesn't know it's there. It can hit younger men and recur over the years.
3 :
Dr. Joseph Mercola MD has posted articles in the past warning of the dangers of antiperspirants, and now this study is raising concerns about deodorants as well. Antiperspirants and deodorants are not the same thing: Antiperspirants work by clogging, closing, or blocking the pores that release sweat--with the active ingredient being aluminum--so that they can’t release sweat. Deodorants work by neutralizing the smell of the sweat and by antiseptic action against bacteria, but do not prevent sweating. The concern with antiperspirant is that the aluminum it contains is absorbed by the body and wreaks havoc in the brain, where it likely contributes to the growing numbers of people coming down with Alzheimer’s disease. So it appears that the urban legend that antiperspirants have been identified as the leading cause of breast cancer may actually have some truth to it. A study was conducted in 2004 by Dr. Kris McGrath, a Chicago allergist who claims to have found a connection between antiperspirants, underarm shaving and cancer. He believes the culprits in these antiperspirants are the toxins in aluminum salts such as aluminum chlorohydrate. He says they don't normally penetrate the skin enough to cause a problem--unless the skin is shaven. If you disrupt the skin by shaving, it can open up the door, because just under the skin is the lymphatic system, which is connected to the breast. In this study, more than 400 Chicago-area breast cancer survivors recalled their lifetime history of using antiperspirants and underarm shaving. He found that women who perform underarm shaving more aggressively had a diagnosis of breast cancer 22 years earlier than the non-users. Now with the study above, British researchers have found traces of chemicals called parabens in tissue taken from women with breast cancer. These researchers also published a study last year in the Journal of Toxicology that suggested underarm cosmetics might be a cause of breast cancer. It is unclear how valid this proposed mechanism is, but it would sure seem safe to avoid all antiperspirants and deodorants just to be safe. At the very least, if you are using a deodorant in order to avoid the aluminum in antiperspirant, you will also want to be certain that the deodorant you choose does not contain parabens. Parabens are used as preservatives, and on the label they may be listed as methyl paraben, ethyl paraben, propyl paraben, butyl paraben, isobutyl paraben or E216. Look for natural deodorants, which should be available in your local health food store, but be sure to read the labels, as all "natural" deodorants are not paraben-free. I personally have not used any antiperspirants or deodorants for over 20 years. Simple soap and water has served me quite well for the last two decades, and I don't ever recall anyone telling me I had an offensive odor. So, I suggest avoiding the chemicals, save some money, prolong your life and drop the underarm chemicals. Estrogen can clearly cause breast cancer. There is just no way around it. I cannot think of one clinical indication for birth control pills and believe that no one should use them. There are other options for contraception that are far safer and have virtually no dangerous side effects. There are, however, indications for women to take estrogen. Be aware that the synthetic progestins in birth control pills were never designed for optimum female health and should be avoided at all costs. Women who have their ovaries surgically removed usually seem to benefit from natural estrogen. However, it is best if the estrogen has two or three of the main estrogens, which are estriol, estradiol, and estrone. This is usually available from most any compounding pharmacist. It should also be balanced with natural progesterone.

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Tuesday, August 24, 2010

What causes breast cancer and what are the measures needed to prevent it

What causes breast cancer and what are the measures needed to prevent it?
I just want somebody to tell me everything I need to know about breast cancer.What causes it,is it generic,are there foods or other things we use in our daily lives that actually cause it like perfumes?How about chemicals found in the preservatives used in packed or canned foods things like MSG .I would appreciate it if someone clarified this for me
Cancer - 7 Answers
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1 :
no one really knows exactly what causes it...some say the genes , others the lifstyle or other external factors. the best u can do is live a healthy life ...there´s not more u can do to prevent it I m afraid.
2 :
We do not know what causes any cancer and there is no way to prevent it. About 10% of breast cancers are hereditary. The biggest risk factors are being female and aging with 75% occurring in postmenopausal women. All women have a 1 in 8 lifetime risk for the disease. The only risk factors you have any control over are alcohol consumption and HRT. The best thing you can do is to have your annual mammograms.
3 :
Nobody knows what causes breast cancer. Between 5 and 10% of cases are hereditary and due to a rare inherited faulty gene. The biggest risk factor is being female - over 99% of those diagnosed are women The second greatest risk factor is getting older - 80% of those diagnosed with breast cancer are over 50 and the average age at diagnosis is a little over 60. Only 5% of all those diagnosed with breast cancer are under 40 and fewer than 0.1% are under 30. It is almost unheard of in under 25s. There are other known risk factors, but they ARE only risk factors, not causes, and by no means everyone who ticks one, some or even all these boxes will develop breast cancer, and many people who are diagnosed with breast cancer have none of these risk factors: Having children at an older age or not at all. The more children a woman has may also slightly lower her risk. Breast-feeding helps protect against the disease. The longer a woman breast feeds her children, the more she lowers her risk. Starting periods at a younger than average age (under 12) or having a late menopause (after 55) . Taking the contraceptive pill or hormone replacement therapy (HRT) causes a small increase in risk. However, the risk gradually returns to normal after you stop taking them. Being overweight (especially after the menopause). Regularly drinking more than 1 unit of alcohol per day slightly increases the risk of breast cancer. Having a previous diagnosis of breast cancer increases the risk of developing a new cancer in the other breast. No, there is no evidence that any product or food is linked to breast cancer, but some small evidence that a low fat diet may help in prevention. ======== Edit: Questiongeek, just for information: I'm a vegan, I eat a largely organic diet, I exercise, I don't smoke. I got cancer. Explain.
4 :
I'm not a doctor, but common sense would tell me that breast cancer as all cancers could be caused by damaged cells in the body. How do cells get damaged? Poor nutrition, consuming too many toxins and not enough antioxidants. And some people are more susceptible to disease than others. These people should pay closer attention to nutrition and stop putting junk in their bodies. There has been speculation that some cancers, not just lung cancers are caused by smoking, not pure tobacco, but the stuff that's is neatly packaged at the drug store in the pretty boxes. How come when I meet people who are HIV poz, 9 times out of ten it's someone that also has substance abuse problems, and/ or they're alcoholics, they consume crystal meth, or they've "slept" with many people. Who knows what they're doing sexually, and they might be imbibed in substance abuse while they're sexual as well... I used to get colds a lot when I was a kid, and got them more frequently as an adult than I liked to until I started exercising, and stopped drinking so much cow's milk and started juice extracting fruits and vegetables and eating better. Now I hardly get sick. Is this a coincidence? A traditional western medicine doctor would tell me,"Yeah, it's a coincidence." Somehow, I think not and I beg to differ.
5 :
Foods and perfumes neither cause nor cure cancer of any type. Cancer strikes when and where it chooses. There is no way to "prevent it". Some breast cancer is genetically linked to the BRCA gene mutation. However, most breast cancer cases have no known cause.
6 :
Breast cancer is a common form of cancer among women in the United States, Canada and Europe. However, in Africa and Asia, the prevalence is much lower, indicating the possibility of environmental triggers as well as a genetic predisposition. While the number one risk factor is simply being female, other risk factors include: -Age - Breast cancer occurs more often in women over 50 and is less common in pre-menopausal women. American Cancer Society (ACS). -Family History - Women with family history of breast cancer have a greater risk of developing the disease. -Genetic factors - Inheriting mutations or alterations of certain genes called BRCA-1 and BRCAS-2 increases the risk of developing breast cancer. The ACS estimates that 5 to 10 percent of breast cancer cases result from inherited mutations of these genes. A woman with these genes has an 80 percent chance of developing breast cancer in her lifetime, according to the ACS. Women with a family history of breast cancer may be tested for the mutated gene. However, interpretation of the test results and decisions about treatment are complicated. Recent studies have identified other genes and gene mutations that may be associated with breast cancer. Several studies have shown nearly 200 gene mutations that are associated with some breast tumors. -Previous history of breast cancer or of Benign breast Tumors - This includes being diagnosed with breast cancer as well as non-cancerous tumors. Research has demonstrated the risk of developing breast cancer varies with the actual type of benign breast disease found in a woman. -Race - Breast cancer is more common in white women than in those of other races, including Hispanic, Asian or black American. . -Hormone factors - Hormones may increase the risk of breast cancer. Hormonal influences that are believed to raise the risk include: -Early menstruation - Women who started their period before 12 years of age. -Late menopause - Women who go through menopause after age 55. -Pregnancy history - Women who have their first child after the age of 30 or who have had fewer pregnancies or no pregnancies. -Hormone drugs - The use of oral contraceptives has been linked to a slight increase in breast cancer risk. -Breast density - Women with less fatty, denser breasts, which are normally older women, have an increased chance of breast cancer. -Obesity after menopause - In postmenopausal women, estrogen is primarily produced by fat tissue. If a woman is significantly overweight, she has more fat tissue and more estrogen is being produced in their body. -Radiation to the chest area - For women treated for Hodgkins Lymphoma with radiation to the chest before age 30, the chances of developing breast cancer are higher than the general population. -Sedentary lifestyle - Women who are physically inactive have a higher rate of breast cancer, possibly due to a sedentary lifestyle. -Use of Alcohol - Several studies have concluded that the more alcohol consumed by a woman, the higher her risk of breast cancer becomes. For prevention of Breast Cancer, if at all we can do anything, it starts with our own Lifestyle choices and healthy habits - such as staying physically active, limiting alcohol and eating right. Among the easiest things to control are what you eat and drink and how active you are. Here are some strategies that may help you decrease your risk of breast cancer: • LIMIT ALCOHOL • MAINTAIN A HELTHY WEIGHT • STAY ACTIVE • CONSIDER LIMITING FAT IN YOUR DIET • Avoid HORMONE REPLACEMENT THERAPY (HRT) – • CHECK YOUR BREASTS EVERY MONTH • DO NOT FORGETTO GET • Consider BREASTFEEDING instead of formula feeding • HAVE CILDRENT EARLIER in life • Avoid taking unnecessary ANTIBIOTICS. • Be CAUTIOUS about PESTICIDES • Nothing you can guarantee your life will be free from Cancer. But if you practice healthy habits and consult your doctor about extra measures you can take, you may at least reduce your risk of this potentially fatal disease.-
7 :
No doctor, nor scientist can tell you what triggers breast cancer. For me and my siblings, our Oncologist told all of us the we had the gene for breast cancer. We had the DNA testing at Dana Farber in Boston for theBRCA gene and all were tested +. Out of 8 girls in my family, sisters only, 1/2 of us got breast cancer. My mother was the only one in her family that did not get breast cancer. Her mother, and her 4 sisters all got breast cancer. Only 1 of her sisters survived and that was because it was when they just began doing mastectomies If you smoke, you have a higher risk. If you drink alcolhol, you risk increases. As far as chemicals in foods, or preservatives, you have to grow your own food to stay away from those things. I do grow my own veggies, but I certainly do not have farm animals. So, who knows, Did I get breast cancer because it was genetic. That's what I'm told. Will my other sisters get it. Maybe never, For now, don't ever smoke or drink. At least you have that choice. Be well.

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Friday, August 20, 2010

What is the name of the blood test that predicts odds of breast cancer

What is the name of the blood test that predicts odds of breast cancer?
I need to know the name of the blood test that will give you the odds of you getting breast cancer. Also, am I old enough to get it? I am 19 years old. Thanks
Cancer - 2 Answers
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1 :
I think it's the test that tests for BRCA which is a genetic marker for breast cancer so yes, you'd be old enough.
2 :
It is the BRCA test for breast and ovarian cancer, there is a web site that will tell you all about it it is

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Monday, August 16, 2010

What are the chances of an adolescent having breast cancer

What are the chances of an adolescent having breast cancer?
I am 19, i know its young, but im just wondering. I have been having pains on my breast, its been going on for quite some time. But it was more of an on/off thing. But lately, the pain has been quite frequent, that it is almost everyday. I notice a little of bruising near the nipple area and it feels a little swollen, too. I was only wondering whether it might be a development of cancer. If there's anyone out there who knows about this, i would really like to know. thanks.
Cancer - 8 Answers
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1 :
breast cancer doesn't generally hurt, what you describe is more likely just hormonal fluctuations.
2 :
The chances of breast cancer at 19 are very, very, very close to zero. It's almost unheard of in under 25s, and fewer than 0.1% of all those diagnosed with it are under 30. It's rare under 40 - only 5% of all those diagnosed - and most people diagnosed with it (80%) are over 50. Pain is rarely a sign of breast cancer - most people diagnosed with it have felt no pain. Most breast lumps, even in women over 50, aren't cancerous. It sounds as if you may just have a bruise - monitor it for a couple of weeks and if it's still there see your doctor
3 :
It's probably nothing, but if you want to know contact these people
4 :
breast cancer prevention ... many factors contribute to an individual's chance of having breast cancer; this ... It is thought that the diet of an adolescent woman can be especially important
5 :
The odds are very slim 1.3 in every 1 million girls 15-19 years old. Your symptoms are not symptoms of breast cancer. Pain is usually a sign something is wrong, but breast pain is very common when you’re young and it can vary how and when it occurs. I remember times it was hard to walk through the frozen food section at the store. The good news is it stops the older you get. The bad news is other stuff starts going on you would rather not deal with.
6 :
if u got pains why not go to the source of knowledge huh like hum a doctor ok so stop using this stuff to help ur medical stuff ok go see a doctor, an b done with it ok at leest u will then get the corect answers u need not like here with all the wanna be doctors to answer ur questions ok, SO GO SEE THE DOCTORS WHO R PROFESSIONALS OK AND DO IT NOW, THANK YOU,
7 :
yes you could get cancer no matter how old you are. nope not thinking this is cancer if you are worried go see doc and find out what it is. could be gas or antyign nothing serious i would think.
8 :
Go to your doctor for a routine check up. Certain types of benign (noncancerous) breast disease, radiation exposure, and family history of the disease are also established risk factors. Women who begin menstruating before age 12 are also at higher risk. Breast Cancer - Risks Factors: The Known Reserpine (a drug for high blood pressure), chemicals in hair dyes, alcohol consumption, dietary fat, use of birth control pills have all been suggested as risk factors, but results from various studies have been contradictory, and their role in disease development remains controversial. Risks Factors: The Unknown Breast self-examination should be done once a month so you become familiar with the usual appearance and feel of your breasts. Familiarity makes it easier to notice any changes in the breast from one month to another. Feel for any unusual lump or mass under the skin. Breast Self-Examination

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Thursday, August 12, 2010

What are the reasons to be aware of Breast Cancer

What are the reasons to be aware of Breast Cancer?
I want to know the reasons to be aware of breast cancer for my essay about how being aware is good.
Women's Health - 3 Answers
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1 :
So women don't die from it because it wasn't detected early enough.
2 :
if you catch it early, you can kill it early and have a better chance of beating it. god bless all the woman and men because they can get it too who are fighting breast cancer!
3 :
1. To keep you alive. 2. To keep your body whole. How many more reasons could you want?

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Sunday, August 8, 2010

How fast does breast cancer or non-cancerous breast lump grow

How fast does breast cancer or non-cancerous breast lump grow?
Hi, I would like to know: 1. How fast does cancerous lump in breast grow? e.g. from pea size to small grape size in months? 1-2 years? etc.... 2. What about non-cancerous lumps that resemble cancer (not the cysts but maybe fibroadenoma that does not have cyclic feature)? Thank you! Thank you Dave. I hope your wife will recover soon.
Cancer - 1 Answers
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1 :
It depends on the type of cancer that makes up the tumor. Some are hormones dependent and some are not. My wife felt a lump in her breast in December of '07. She forgot about it and had it checked late June of '08. So within 6 months it was diagnosed at stage 2B. Which means that it had grown to 4.78 cm. (about the size of a fifty-cent piece). The team of doctors that looked at the mammogram thought the tumor was very aggressive. It was a "triple-negative" tumor and did not depend upon hormones to grow. So, it grew faster. Once it gets to a certain size it begins to spread to other parts of the body. My wife's cancer moved into her lymph nodes. They found a non-cancerous lump in her other breast. It had not grown at all. I hope this helps, it just depends upon the conditions that are there that are ripe for the tumor to grow for example how much sugars does the patient digest? Tumors love speeds up cell division.

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Wednesday, August 4, 2010

Is there any range of people that are easily affected to breast cancer

Is there any range of people that are easily affected to breast cancer?
If in the family tree,nobody have gotten breast cancer before will there be a range of people getting breast cancer?
Cancer - 4 Answers
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1 :
Malignant cells show up almost completly randomly, allthough it is more common in families that have had it before. It will usually occour sometime after ages 25 and is most common in women. Although Breast cancer is the most common type, it is also the easiest to treat and considering the number of people with it has one of the highest rates of survival
2 :
Yes, women who's mothers and/or aunts off of mothers side have been previously afflicted, site British study.
3 :
In fact only a very small number of breast cancer cases(5-10%) are due to inherited factors. For most people, increasing age is the greatest risk factor. Most cases (approximately 80%) of breast cancers occur in post-menopausal women (women aged over 50 years). Other known risk factors for breast cancer are: Having children at at an older age or not at all. The more children a woman has may also slightly lower her risk. Breast-feeding helps protect against the disease. The longer a woman breast feeds her children, the more she lowers her risk. Starting periods at a younger than average age (under 12) or having a late menopause (after 55) . Taking the contraceptive pill or hormone replacement therapy (HRT) causes a small increase in risk. However, the risk gradually returns to normal after you stop taking them. Being overweight (especially after the menopause). Regularly drinking more than 1 unit of alcohol per day slightly increases the risk of breast cancer. Having a previous diagnosis of breast cancer increases the risk of developing a new cancer in the other breast. These are only risk factors though, and by no means everyone who ticks one or even all boxes will develop breast cancer. Breast cancer causes more than 12,500 deaths each year in the UK. That’s around 33 a day.
4 :
Know more about Cancer ! --------------------

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Sunday, August 1, 2010

Is it legal to use the breast cancer ribbon on a bag im making for a fundraiser

Is it legal to use the breast cancer ribbon on a bag im making for a fundraiser?
There is an auction going on and i was thinking about making a breast cancer tote bag. It would have the ribbon on it, but the money I get from it won't be going to beast cancer, it'll go to my organization for school. Is that legal? Would I get in trouble for that? Also, would it be illegal to do the same with a college mascot?
Law & Ethics - 4 Answers
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1 :
Technically not illegal if you don't say it's going to breast cancer research--but very, very bad form.
2 :
im sure youl be fine wither its illegal or not.
3 :
I doubt the breast cancer charity would give you any trouble (if anything, it helps them), but it would be dishonest and fraudulent for you to give the buyer the impression that they are supporting the breast cancer charity when that isn't where the money is going. Added: Using the college mascot would be copyright infringement.
4 :
Yes it's illegal - If you use the ribbon it would be under the assumption to the buyer that proceeds would be going to the organization that the logo is used for. You could be sued by the company that owns the ribbon/logo

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