I want to know specifically about breast cancer in older women. Why do they survive more time than younger women?
Cancer - 3 Answers
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1 :
Because older women pay more attention and get regular check-ups, thus they are more likely to catch it at an early stage. All things being equal, a younger women would actually have a better chance of surviving the same stage of cancer as an older women. But often women in their 20s and 30s may not think they have any chance of getting cancer, so often its not diagnosed until its advanced. Denise, from what I have been told, most forms of cancers are more surivable if you are young. Mainly because your body is likely to be healthier and stronger. Also making it handle chemo. Just go to seer cancer stats and look at some the info. On cancers such as lymphoma, younger people are much more likely to survive then older.
2 :
Yes the odds increase with age. At 25 years old the odds are 1 in 19,600, at 55 years old the odds are 1 in 33, and at 80 years old the odds are 1 in 8. Most cancers work this way and as in most cancers older people tend to do better than younger people. I don’t think we completely understand why this is, but it is partially due to the fact that our cells simply do not reproduce as fast as we age and with breast cancer it is often hormone related which we do not produce as much of as we age. EDIT: I’m sorry. I have you the odds of getting breast cancer by age not the survival. The overall 5 year survival rate for breast cancer is 85.9% if the patient is under 45 years old, if the patient is 65-75 years old it is 90.9%. SECOND EDIT: If a child or young adult gets a childhood cancer they usually do very well and better than older adults. However, if a young person in their 20s or 30s gets a cancer that primarily occurs in older adults they usually do worse than an older person. It isn’t because of the treatment it is because of the disease. Also, cancers that primarily occur in patients in their 20s or 30s, such as testi8cular cancer or thyroid cancer, are very treatable with high survival rates.
3 :
Many breast cancers are hormonally dependant. Older women have lower hormone levels and that's part of the reason they do better. The most aggressive breast cancer occurs in pregnancy where there are greatly raised hormone levels
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