For everyone who has had breast cancer, when you were first diagnosed with breast cancer did your doctors have you to take a bone scan? Is it necessary for a person who has been newly diagnosed with breast cancer to have a bone scan?
Cancer - 4 Answers
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1 :
If you have a good doctor they will order this. This is to see if there are other cancers and will determine the course of treatment. It is VERY important.
2 :
I believe it is a normal protocol, when someone is diagnosed with any type of cancer to have a bone scan to determine if the cancer has already spread. I had a bone scan. MRIs and ultrasound to determine if other "abnormalities" that showed up on the scan were anything serious. I have lots of cysts but the cancer was only in the breast and 3 lymph nodes.
3 :
In the UK it depends on the protocol of the hospital treating you. I had stage 3 grade 3 breast cancer, and it was never suggested I had a bone scan. Talking later to other women who'd had breast cancer, I found out it's routine for many or most hospitals to arrange a bone scan if breast cancer has spread to the lymph nodes. My first ever bone scan was almost 5 years after diagnosis when I was experiencing pain in my ribs and hip. I think it's a sensible precaution to offer newly diagnosed breast stage 3 breast cancer patients a bone scan.
4 :
Unless you are diagnosed with DCIS or LCIS it is standard procedure to have a bone scan.
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