I'm not saying breast cancer is not a horrible ailment but there are worse cancer's and worse diseases but it seems to get more attention then others. One of the most common diseases no one does events for "asthma" for example and yes people do die from it. I'm saying we shouldn't have events for breast cancer I'm just wondering why it gets so much attention when others do not.
Other - Health - 2 Answers
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1 :
its the more common cancer that MEN and women have. the events are to raise money for a cure for people like my mom and mother n law that had it thank you very much
2 :
Breast cancer is a very common form of cancer. I know far too many women that have been diagnosed with breast cancer. That is the simple answer. It gets more media attention because so many people are diagnosed with breast cancer. Plus, many women lose the battle against breast cancer. See the link for more information
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