Thursday, February 28, 2008

National Breast Cancer Month,How are you contributing or donating to the cause

National Breast Cancer Month,How are you contributing or donating to the cause?
Some people donate and contribute in diffrent ways. Whether its a monatary donation or a walk for the cure, everybody can do a small part to help such a devastating illness. If you know someone that have breast cancer, kind words or calling frequently to check up on them to see how they are doing is doing a big part, of helping women or even men because they get breast cancer to, but mostly women to fight breast cancer. They need encouragment to know that somebodys in their corner helping and cheering them on, as they agree to fight this instead of giving up. Dealing with any illness is tiring. But with encouragment and caring, we can help these women beat this illness and get on with their lives.
Cancer - 5 Answers
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1 :
I already feel that breast cancer has enough research, donations, and attention devoted to the disease. I certainly do not wish this disease on anyone, but truthfully I have a son with a childhood cancer which receives no research funding at all. He has been battling his disease for two years and there are no more treatment options for him, not because he is too sick . . but because there is no funding and no research. His life is at risk directly because of that lack of research. And, unfortunately, the reality is because other cancers, such as breast cancer, have already taken from the public those research dollars that might have been used for sarcoma or other cancers. I wish no ill on anyone . . but I feel that the current empasis on breast cancer is starting to harm other types of cancer research . . young adults with sarcoma are dying. they do not have access to support, or ribbons, or the public eye because they die before anyone can organize anything. That is the reality that we face, so I cannot 'support' a breast cancer month as long as their are inequalities in funding research. I do support and wish only the best to those women fighting breast cancer as individuals . .I just won't financially support an organization that I feel is beginning to harm other types of cancer research.
2 :
I think that breast cancer is one of the most supported diseases in North America, in publicity, support and fundraising. You can apply the comments in the question to a number of diseases and I thank you for writing them. But I am currently supporting other cancer research and I am discouraged by the extended commercial aspects of breast cancer awareness from changing my priorities.
3 :
Well i am definitely against breast cancer and all other types of cancer, i have decided to go find out about volunteering my time at the Cancer Society, cause i do want to help others, i have experienced a type of cancer and i know what it is like to go through this disease, and having ppl around and caring for you or just talking to you and encouraging definitely helps out, so i am willing to make that step to help others and yeah i no go on walks and stuff against cancer.
4 :
Both my sister and sister-in-law are breast cancer survivors. I will support it this year by donating money to a relative who is walking in "The Cure" 5k. My employer sponsors a fashion show with models who are breast cancer survivors, have lost someone to breast cancer or are fighting it themselves. I support this by buying a table to the show so several women who couldn't have attended due to finances can attend. The show is preceded by speakers discussing the illness and new research findings that will hopefully lead to a cure some day. All cancer needs support. Being a male, I would like to see greater support for Prostate Cancer research. My father is 84 years old and is a 22 year prostate cancer survivor. Colon cancer also needs increased support.
5 :
Our church is beginning to promote a one day course in how to best meet the needs of those going through this devastating illness. (Cancer not just breast cancer) I believe we will learn strategies in ministering to the spiritual, physical, mental and emotional needs of not only the person directly suffering, but also family members who are traveling that rough road. My mother and 3 aunties succumbed to this and I spent years being very angry with the Cancer Society for their seeming lack of motivation to fix this. I contributed money, but I quit. I had a very pessimistic outlook on it. I am still not enthused about giving money where I am concerned it is ill spent

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Sunday, February 24, 2008

What type of breast cancer treatment is best after surgery

What type of breast cancer treatment is best after surgery?
My grandmother is 80 years of age and was diagnosed with breast cancer about a month ago. she had surgery in which they removed the cancer from her breast. she is trying to decide whether the treatment of radiation by means of having an implant in her breast that releases radiation, or not even receiving the treatment of radiation at all. any ideas? (her health condition is as fallows- had a stroke 2 months ago, still working on walking w/o a walker, and she has trouble standing for certain periods of time. she has recovered well from the stroke, but is still in a bad condition.
Cancer - 5 Answers
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1 :
she needs to talk to her DR'S...not strangers on YA who don't know her and her medical history... don't put family members info on the's not your business to be doing that.
2 :
This is a highly personal decision that can only be made by the individual after being told the full risks and likely prognoses of each option by their treating oncologist. Having been through surgery, chemo and radiation for breast cancer, I doubt that I would consider more than the surgery alone at her age, but that is just my personal viewpoint, not a recommendation.
3 :
One shot of radiotherapy could save breast cancer patients weeks of tiring treatment
4 :
It depends on a lot of things, sometimes chemo and radiation are recommended, other times only surgery is needed. It depends on the type of breast cancer, the stage and the age of the patient and prior medical history. There is an excellent book called Dr. Love's Breast Book that goes into a lot of detail on breast health and current treatment options. It probably will give you more info than you will ever need to know but you can just read the chapters on your grandmother's condition to get a better idea of current treatment options.
5 :
External Radiation is best. There are hardly any side effects if a bit of redness to the breast after about 4 weeks of treatment. Some also may get tired from time to time. It is a 6 week course of treatment and it goes by very fast. I had inquired about internal radiation as well, and she said that I was too young for it. I am not sure what the cut-off age is as far as being too old for it. Internal radation is more of a nuisance than anything. Also you need to do that type of radiation Twice a Day, instead of once a day like traditional radiation. It really isn't worth it. Tell her to ask her doctor about External Radiation treatments. All she has to do is lie on a table for a total of 2 minutes. Piece of cake.
6 :
Radiation was the toughest of treatments for my wife and she at the time of treatment was 52 years old. Radiation kills the tumor at the site where cancer was discovered, it is sort of insurance that it will destroy whatever cells would be left at the site. Chemotherapy destroys the cells that might have escaped to other parts of the body, surgery removes the tumor itself and radiation is applied to the site to destroy remaining cells. Treatment is usually over a specific amount of time that is on a daily basis, and it was very painful for us. Not everyone responds to radiation the same way. I have heard from others that it was a walk in the park. For us it was hell. It could be physically too much for her, the only person to know for sure is her radiation oncologist and regular doctor. A friend of mine had breast cancer at 65 years old and did not have it again for ten years. At 75 years old she decided to not have treatment because she did not want to suffer through it all again. Each person needs to evaluate if the costs are worth the price of the goods received. I know what radiation did to my wife but she is considerably younger than your grandma. The treatment for her could be the straw that breaks her back. The doctor's need to give an evaluation to decide if it is something she can handle

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Wednesday, February 20, 2008

How come breast cancer gets it's own month and special pink ribbons and fundraisers

How come breast cancer gets it's own month and special pink ribbons and fundraisers?
Is it because it is sexier to have breast cancer than say, colon cancer or lung cancer?
Other - Diseases - 3 Answers
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Good question. Lung & bronchus cancer rate per 100,000 is more then tripple. ~
2 :
Because its promoted well. Nearly every month there is a 'month' for a certain disease or something that needs awareness. October is also Celiac Disease awareness month but because its not as high profile, it doesnt get as much attention. But who cares because the more attention these diseasese get, maybe the less ppl it will affect. Every cancer is imiportant and everyone should get screened for the ones that they fit the criteria for. Breast cancer is increasingly survivable also which is awesome.
3 :
Breast cancer is sometimes harder to detect because of breast mass, or self breast exams that are incorrectly done or not done at all. Even though there are symptoms such as puckering of nipple, change in breast skin texture, these dont always present themselves. Therefore many women dont know they have it because the signs are not obvious. With lung and colon cancer there are usually more pronounced chances that will alert someone to seek help such as change in bowel habit, rectal bleeding, abdominal pain, persistent cough, breathing problem, etc. Women need to be educated about the cause, elearly detection of breast cancer because its so hard to detect sometimes and thats why extra effort is put into educating the public about it

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Saturday, February 16, 2008

What types of breast cancer create thickening of the skin

What types of breast cancer create thickening of the skin?
My mom just found out she has a rarer form of breast cancer. Its not the type that is a lump, instead its a thickening of the skin. Its not inflammed or red looking it just feels thick I guess more like a callous and is about 3 inches long. Anyone hear of this type of breast cancer? I have done a search online but only come up with the Inflammatory cancer which I dont think this is. The doctor said its not really an aggressive form if that helps.
Cancer - 2 Answers
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1 :
I am sorry to hear about that. I want you too not pantic you and your mother should go and get another opion from an oncologist. Always get a second opion because that Doctor probably over look something. God Bless You and Your Mother. Be right there for you mother she need you. I will be praying for you. Read the Bible Psalm 23
2 :
Inflamatory breast cancer is most likely: "Although most breast cancers begin as lumps or tumors, inflammatory breast cancer usually starts with a feeling of thickness or heaviness in the breast." "Inflammatory breast cancer (IBC) is a rare and aggressive form of breast cancer. According to the National Cancer Institute, about 1-5% of all breast cancer cases in the United States are inflammatory breast cancers." Otherwise, try Invasive Lobular Carcinoma, "In other cases, the first sign of ILC is a thickening or hardening in the breast that can be felt, rather than a distinct lump." "About 10% of all invasive breast cancers are invasive lobular carcinomas

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Tuesday, February 12, 2008

How common is it to get breast cancer when your a teenager

How common is it to get breast cancer when your a teenager?
I have a friend who is around my age (16/17) and she went to the doctor, and then to the hospital today because she found a lump on her breasts. I think they did a sonagram or whatever it's called and one was ok, but I don't think they know about the other one because she was telling us at practice today. I think her grandma or someone else in her family had breast cancer. I've heard it's rare to develop breast cancer as a teenager though.
Women's Health - 2 Answers
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It is rare but it is possible. she should have any tests her doc think necessary to be sure. Even guys CAN get breast cancer!
2 :
The vast majority of breast cancers are caused by years of excess estrogen in your body. So teenagers almost never get it. Thats why they recommend screening for women over 50. Apparently breastfeeding for 15 years will prevent it but if you are not planning to breastfeed 5 children for 3 years each then there is an alternative. Regular nipple stimulation simulates it and also prevents cancer

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Friday, February 8, 2008

Is anyone else upset that breast cancer is the only publicized awareness month

Is anyone else upset that breast cancer is the only publicized awareness month?
I'm all for cancer awareness but why is breast cancer the only publicized cancer awareness month? Many people suffer from all types of cancer daily and I've had family suffer from both Leukemia and Pancreatic Cancer. It's seems that if a celebrity is diagnosed with a cancer or has died from a cancer that's the only way awareness will be publicized. Now that Patrick Swayze has passed I'm sure Pancreatic cancer will be well known coming this November (Pancreatic Cancer Awareness Month) Does anyone agree?
Cancer - 4 Answers
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One theory is that breast cancer has more survivors than most other cancers, so more people to form support groups and to be be activist for the disease. Not a whole lot of lung cancer survivors. I feel a little left out of the awareness hoopla.
2 :
No, I don't agree. Breast cancer awareness and Breast Cancer Awareness Month are not high profile because of celebrity deaths, but for a much simpler reason - sheer hard work. Breast cancer awareness campaigns and BC Awareness Month started as a campaign by ordinary women, many of them with cancer, to raise awareness so that people knew the symptoms, examined themselves regularly, attended their routine mammograms etc. Enthusiastic participation and hard work by women made it grow into something nationally, then internationally, recognised (and then big business cashed in). I agree that awareness needs to be raised about other cancers too.and while I hate 'competitive illness' I can see why there is resentment about an imbalance in awareness raising and fund raising. I too have had family members suffer from other cancers - lung, testicular, stomach and cervical cancers and leukaemia, all but one of them dying of their cancers. There are, as you point out, other cancer awareness months, weeks, ribbons etc; but the fact is none has had the sheer hard work put into it that breast cancer awareness has. Now, I've had breast cancer and I personally very much dislike BC Awareness Month - or Pink October as the more cynical of us call it. Support for those with a deadly disease that kills on average 33 women a day in the UK and 112 a day in the US (the only stats I have, I'm not being ethnocentric) has been turned into a marketing opportunity by big business, with around 1% of the cost of specially made pink stuff going to breast cancer charities, the rest into the retailers’ pockets. The pink fluffy stuff infuriates me, and I'm not at all 'tickled pink' by Asda's (Walmart's) trivialisation of an illness that may yet kill me. October magazines carry stories from cheerful survivors who claim to have the all-clear (there is no all-clear with breast cancer), and often say bc has changed their lives for the better - very different from anybody I know who's had breast cancer. And it has negative consequences for breast cancer patients too - I believe that the whole thing is counter-productive, that the marketing and fund-raising hype surrounding breast cancer, by trivialising a deadly disease, is leading people to believe, wrongly, that breast cancer is 1) not very serious, certainly not as serious as many other cancers (many women with breast cancer have been told - by people who don't have it - that it's a 'good' cancer to get) and 2) easily curable. I've even heard it said that it's a ‘fashionable’ or 'sexy' cancer - my sexy prosthesis and sexy scarred, one-breasted body are evidence that it's no such thing. In all the pink trivia, it's easy for people to lose sight of the fact that breast cancer is a devastating illness with disfiguring surgery, grueling treatments and so far no cure. I don't wear a pink ribbon and as someone in remission from breast cancer I support the Think Before You Pink and Pink Stinks! campaigns, both started by women with breast cancer BUT it does annoy me a little when people complain about the attention breast cancer receives in comparison to other cancers. The solution is not less attention for breast cancer, but more attention for other cancers - and there is nothing to stop any group of people starting a campaign along the lines of the one started ny those women who started all the breast cancer awareness. They'd have to be as dedicated and prepared to work as hard though.
3 :
I think another contributer to the largeness of NBCAM, in addition to hard work, is something pretty simple. Breasts are on the outside of the body and are an immediately recognized and highly visible symbol of femininity. Due to the high visibility and natural awareness of the breasts, this particular cause receives a lot of attention. Fortunately, advances in breast cancer research will ultimately help advance research in other cancers as well. Not to trivialize breast cancer or to make a direct comparison of the level of impact the two can have on an individual's life, but in terms of awareness campaigns, it's sort of like campaigns to save different endangered animals. The cutest ones who do the most interesting things, such as the giant panda and whales, end up getting a lot more attention than say the dwarf wedge mussel. However, all is not lost for efforts to save other lesser known endangered species because the campaigns for the panda act as a sort of gateway (for many people) to a broader awareness of conservation efforts and activism. Sign up to help save one, and the World Conservation Union will be sure to let you know about others that you weren't aware of. Not to mention, many people will seek the info out on their own as they begin to wonder what other species are endangered. After all, if we can let something as cute as the panda get on the endangered list, what other things are we neglecting. NBCAM similarly becomes a gateway to awareness of cancer in general, which is a positive thing. If something as visible as breasts can be affected, what about everything else we can't see? (And come to think of it, the two are related. Keys to fighting cancer may be held in species of plants and animals that are dying off that most people don't know about.) Ultimately, I think the high profile of NBCAM is beneficial. On the one hand, some frustration over not having as much attention given to other cancers is understandable, but we also have to be careful about not diluting the beneficial impact of NBCAM on all cancer efforts by running too many derivative campaigns. If we end up with a major colored ribbon month for every cancer, even NBCAM could lose its voice as the audience becomes fatigued. All cancer efforts would then begin to suffer. I also understand the distaste for a lot of the marketing surrounding NBCAM, but the fact of the matter is, marketing has a huge impact on awareness and thus involvement. There will be people who make money off of it by not directly contributing to efforts, but as unappealing as that may be to those not familiar with marketing and business, the harsh reality is that if some form of market cannot form around something, you simply will not yield the same results. It's taking the good with the bad, unfortunately. Capitalism is a double-edged sword, that's for sure. As someone else pointed out though, individuals can (and should) make choices to purchase pink-ribbon items through vendors who are known to maximize contributions to research and education efforts, or those who work in conjunction with the actual nonprofit organizations. Someone mentioned "think before you pink". Individuals and facilities can also seek out vendors through (NBCAM=National Breast Cancer Awareness Month).
4 :

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Monday, February 4, 2008

What does it mean when you have breast cancer in three different areas

What does it mean when you have breast cancer in three different areas?
My friend just found out that she has breast cancer in her right breast but three different lump types of cancer in one breast, and it has effected her lymph nodes at least two of them. What are her chances and what stage cancer would that be? She is going to be having a mascetomy and chemo.
Cancer - 5 Answers
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1 :
Tell your friend to get a second opinion before doing anything, For sore breasts, put castor oil on them. Alot of breast cancer test are a money racket.
2 :
It simply means that the cancer isn't just located in her breast. It has spread through the blood stream and affected other areas. This is what makes cancer so deadly.
3 :
It means it has metastasized. UPDATED RESPONSE: Look, if you're a preteen moron, don't thumbs down what you don't what you don't understand. Imbecile.
4 :
I am not sure what you mean in lump types. It is very common for cancer to spread to lymph nodes. Especially in the breast tissue. Lymph nodes are usually extracted during the mascetomy and if cancer is present, radiation and/or chemo is also a common practice. Basically, Chemo kills off all cells. Good and bad. The person usually feels really tired and horribly sick. Their immune system ( the system that protects from disease and virus) is severly depressed. People with colds or infections should say away from her. She will not have a defense system to fight off the simplest cold. Just be there for your friend, let her know that you are there for her, But at the same time keep your distance if she needs time to morn her loss. Please dont ever say you know how she feels, because unless you have been through it, you dont. Also, sometimes the best communications is to be silent. Allow your friend to talk, just comfort her. I hope all works out for her and I will keep her in my prayers
5 :
This means that it may have spread out through her body. Please read on i want to tell you about something that SAVED LORIS LIFE!!! ******************************... ******************************... please read this!!! This is for those of you answering too that have cancer issues. Everybody deserves to know about what saved my girlfriends life when there was no hope!!!! People can laugh at me or whatever, but if you are dying, do you want to honestly say I TRIED EVERYTHING!!! ******************************... ***************************** ******************************... if you are serious about a battle with cancer.... i will tell you what saved my girlfriends life, even after the doctor told her to home and prepare to die because they could do nothing for her. You see chemotherapy is an indiscriminant killer, yes it attacks cancer, but it also attacks your immune system too (just like AIDS). But there was a natural remedy lori took for a two month duration, and after not having faith in this remedy, we prepared for a funeral, her family stood by, and...... well matters took a total turn. Let me just say she is now BACK to work, with a MUCH healthier immune system as well, and when they did the tests for cancer on her, they had to re do the tests because they thought something MALFUNCTIONED. They could find NO cancer AT ALL. This is not a drug, but a NATURAL REMEDY so i am not making claims or saying that this cures cancer or anything, not at all. But if this product has helped with her, and my sweetheart is alive, so that is enough to for me to dedicatemy life to make sure that other people with terminal illness such as these at least KNOW about this product. I have seen it help too many people to keep silent about it anymore. Besides there are no drug related side effects either. She called a 800# below. there is a brief message for about 4 minutes, after the message (or press # key if you cant wait) give them a contact number or an address and they will send you free information with no obligation. They will also send you copies of INDEPENDENT research studies that drug companies are trying hard to keep the public from knowing. THIS STUFF WORKS, IT SAVED THE LOVE OF MY LIFE!!!!!!!!! MY GOODNESS, THIS WAS THE ANSWER TO MY PRAYERS 888-541-8990 (audio, turn speakers up) is their websites they have FULL of testimonies

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Friday, February 1, 2008

How come breast cancer gets so much attention when others don't

How come breast cancer gets so much attention when others don't?
I'm not saying breast cancer is not a horrible ailment but there are worse cancer's and worse diseases but it seems to get more attention then others. One of the most common diseases no one does events for "asthma" for example and yes people do die from it. I'm saying we shouldn't have events for breast cancer I'm just wondering why it gets so much attention when others do not.
Other - Health - 2 Answers
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1 :
its the more common cancer that MEN and women have. the events are to raise money for a cure for people like my mom and mother n law that had it thank you very much
2 :
Breast cancer is a very common form of cancer. I know far too many women that have been diagnosed with breast cancer. That is the simple answer. It gets more media attention because so many people are diagnosed with breast cancer. Plus, many women lose the battle against breast cancer. See the link for more information

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