Wednesday, May 28, 2008

Does Breast Augmentation increase the chances to develop breast cancer

Does Breast Augmentation increase the chances to develop breast cancer?
I am wanting a breast Augmentation but Breast cancer does run in my family. Just wondering if anyone who has had this done can tell me if it will increase my chances of breast cancer. I am sure the doctor will let me know, but I don't want to even waste my time going to the consult if the answer to my question is yes. Thanks!
Other - Skin & Body - 2 Answers
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1 :
No it does not increase your risk of cancer at all. It does, however, make getting a mamogram a pain - and there is a slight risk of an implant 'bursting'. /wife works in the mamography dept of the hospital and is breast cancer prone
2 :
Breast implants do not cause breast cancer, but they can delay finding a breast cancer. It is impossible to image all of the breast tissue in a woman with implants. The implant hides quite a bit of breast tissue, so it is harder to find an early breast cancer on these screening mammograms. Also, a woman with no breast implants has a mammogram consisting of 4 exposures. Due to the extra images we take in a woman with implants, your radiation exposure is doubled to 8 exposures. "The x-rays used for mammographic imaging of the breasts cannot penetrate silicone or saline implants well enough to image the overlying or underlying breast tissue. Therefore, some breast tissue (approximately 25%) will not be seen on the mammogram, as it will be covered up by the implant. In order to visualize as much breast tissue as possible, women with implants undergo four additional views as well as the four standard images taken during diagnostic mammography. In these additional x-ray pictures, called Eklund views or implant displacement (ID) views, the implant is pushed back against the chest wall and the breast is pulled forward over it." "Breast implants can impair detection of breast cancer because they are dense on mammograms and obscure some of the normal breast tissue. This requires special mammographic pictures in which the implants are pushed out of the way, but even with the special views, some normal breast tissue is obscured by the implants." For these reasons, most mammographers are not fans of implants!

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Saturday, May 24, 2008

How can I raise awareness that breast cancer only focuses on women and not men or children

How can I raise awareness that breast cancer only focuses on women and not men or children?
-I think we need to bring back equality - breast cancer is the 5th leading cause of death in women -skin, brain, etc affects men, women, and children equally -less then 1% of men get breast cancer -women can now get breast augmentations paid by insurance companies due to breast cancer. Kurt...never thought of that! That is inequality at it's finest.
Cancer - 4 Answers
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1 :
Dude, if you want to have a cause, consider this. If a woman gets pregnant, she can decide to terminate the pregnancy without permission from the father. But if a man decides that he does not want to be a father, not only can he not force her to have an abortion, but he can be forced to be held financially responsible for a child he does not want. Talk about inequality!
2 :
Breast cancer awareness campaign usually focuses on women. You may work with your local hospital(s) and/or women organization(s) on various activities such as exhibition, sports activity such as walk, concert,etc.
3 :
You REALLY Do Like your SPAM Sandwiches Don't you?
4 :
Did you know that Testicular Cancer is found in men generally between the ages of 25 - 35. With all the "awareness" about diffrerent cancers, do you know ANY 25 year old man who knows to be on the lookout for lumps the same way women are to check their breasts for lumps? I don't begrudge anyone for the research and awareness and fundraising and all efforts to beating cancer. But this compartmentalizing seems stupid to me. CANCER SUCKS. FIGHT CANCER. ALL OF IT.

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Tuesday, May 20, 2008

What is the lowest age for getting breast cancer

What is the lowest age for getting breast cancer?
Hi, my friend is 13 years old and she has a lump in each breast and she says it hurts when she squeezes them. Does she have breast cancer? I know the best way to find out is to go to a doctor and I've tried to tell her that, but she's too shy to go see one. So I was just wondering if it is possible to get breast cancer at her age. Answers would be helpful, thank you!
Cancer - 5 Answers
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Go to a doctor. There is no... TOO low age to get cancer. Better safe than sorry.
2 :
It might be a cyst. Go to the doctor anyway.
3 :
The chances of a 13 year old having breast cancer are very, very, very close to zero; the chances of having it in both breasts at once is much lower than that. What your friend is experiencing is normal hormonal development. Breast cancer is almost unheard of in people under 25. Of all the people diagnosed with breast cancer, fewr than 0.1% are under 30. It's very rare in people under 40, and most cases (80%) are in women over 50. Most breast lumps, even in women over 50, are not cancerous. Pain is rarely a sign of breast cancer - the overwhelming majority of those diagnosed have felt no pain. Tell your friend to talk to her mother about this - she will be able to reassure her. If she doesn't feel comfortable doing that, she should talk to her school nurse when school reopens; she will be used to girls having worries like this and will be able to reassure her she doesn't have breast cancer
4 :
I advised you to go for a doctor because these days we can't predict actual date.
5 :
More than likely, it is hormonal development. When young girls start to develop breasts, a small lump can often be felt in the breast tissue. However, its always better to be safe than sorry, so consult a doctor right away

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Friday, May 16, 2008

Is it possible to have breast cancer if your breasts are not fully developed

Is it possible to have breast cancer if your breasts are not fully developed?
Just wondering because one of my friends said something about feeling a bump in the middle of both of her breasts, so is this breast cancer, or nothing? Thanks
Women's Health - 2 Answers
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2 :
No, it's very unlikely. But the breasts to swell during puberty in both males and females so this is by far the most likely scenario. Also, breast cancer in both breasts simultaneously is extremely uncommon. So, rest assured, it is nothing but normal development

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Monday, May 12, 2008

I'm doing a breast cancer benefit for the first time ever at my school, How do I get the community involved

I'm doing a breast cancer benefit for the first time ever at my school, How do I get the community involved?
I'm student council president at my school and I want to hold a huge breast cancer benefit in our auditourium. I have ordered keychains, tattoos, ribbons, tableclothes, balloons, and all sort of little things. We're going to sell pink cookies and cupcakes and have an actual breast cancer survivor speak. How can I get our community involved so that we have a huge turn out?
Cancer - 2 Answers
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1 :
If there is some sort of media outlet, such as a newspaper or website, announce it via there. Be sure to mention that there will be food, fun, and goodies. Make each individual believe that they are really part of finding the cure! Tell them that they will be able to tell their kids/grandkids that they helped cure breast cancer. Good for you for holding this benefit!
2 :
I would add a page to your school website. You could put a pink ribbon on the school's home page and link it to your campaign page. You could hand out flyers or invitations as well. Here are some links to free pink ribbon clip art. You can use these on your school website, invitations, flyers or anything else. Good Luck :)

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Thursday, May 8, 2008

What does it mean when breast cancer (level 1 tumor) has already gone into the bones

What does it mean when breast cancer (level 1 tumor) has already gone into the bones?
I have a dear family member who went to the doctor because of a fall - turned out she fractured her pelvis - but in the course of investigating it, the doctor discovered lesions in the bones pretty much all over her body. Turns out she has a level 1 tumor in her breast and that the lesions in her bones are also breast cancer. For some reason, the doctors are NOT giving her a death sentence, but I have always heard that when a cancer spreads to the bones or another organ, then there is pretty much no hope. So, is there actually hope now?
Cancer - 7 Answers
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1 :
You'd need to ask doctor for prognosis. Most likely the end is near. This is a time when people help each other, I've learned. If she's at home, someone should always be there in case she needs transportation or someone around the house if she needs daily assistance or needs to put her affairs in order or needs to be taken to the hospital.
2 :
where there is life there is hope, but you are right when it has spread it is a matter of time. mine has spread to my uterus and liver, i was given 3 to 4 months 6 months later i am still here, i was told because i asked i know someone whose husband knows but she doesn`t. were not doctors and don`t know the full story. is she an older family,good luck to her x
3 :
Breast cancer that has spread to the bone is not curable and can be quite painful to live with, but it is not an immediate death sentence now because of new treatments that are available. Folks in the USA might recall that John Edwards' wife, Elizabeth, is currently living with bone metastisis from breast cancer.
4 :
The "level 1 tumor" makes no sense. If there is breast cancer metastatic to bones, it is a stage IV breast cancer. We do not have a cure for this, but sometimes this disease can be controlled for many months or even a few years with hormonal therapy, chemotherapy, and palliative radiation therapy. We do not cure diabetes or high blood pressure, but we can control these diseases for a time with medical treatments. There is no reason for her doctors to "give her a death sentence" -especially since we don't know whether she will respond to simple oral hormonal agents. Is this an estrogen receptor positive or negative breast cancer? We don't have this information, but her doctors do. I always say this - we doctors do not "give " people amounts of time to live. It is not for us to decide that. We can only quote statistics based on the experiences of other people in similar situation - none of which will be exactly like the person concerned. Each person is special and different, and doctors cannot predict the future of anyone perfectly. I preferred not to make these guesses, but people usually push for some kind of guess. Interesting question - If you had an envelope containing the information about when exactly you were going to die, would you open it - - knowing you could do nothing to change it? I would tear it up and throw it away. Most of us don't want to give up all hope. There is hope for a good response in this situation and some good quality time.
5 :
My mom has stage IIIa breast cancer... so I have (like I am sure you have) done TONS of research on this type of cancer... and from what I have read... once the cancer spreads to another location it is then stage 4 cancer... Stage 1 breast cancer would mean that the cancer was VERY small in size and localized only in her breast and NOT in her lymphnodes... If cancer goes to the lymphnodes (located under the armpit) it will allow the cancer to spread. Lymphnodes try to filter the blood. My mom had 8 lymphnodes infected w/ cancer so that means little cancer cells are traveling all through her body... the cancer looks for somewhere else to settle and grow. In your friends case it looks like they traveled through the lymphnodes and have had time to settle and grow in her bones. Now I say time because for most people it takes a couple years just for the little lump to form and then a year or two for it to get in the lymphnodes etc... PLEASE talk to her doctor... or to her and ask about the lymphnodes... A friend of mines father has bone cancer and has been living for about 8 years now. He is in some pain but they have given him some meds and it helps w/ the pain. Cancer is a long hard battle. No doctor can tell you if it is a "death sentence" Chemo makes people weak and everyone has different reactions to it. Here is a website that shows you HOW they stage breast cancer
6 :
Once the cancer has reached the bones it is ususally incurable, maybe they are trying chemo or radiation first..
7 :
Breast cancer with bone mets is liveable... my mom's doctor told us that it is painful but it will not kill her. Your mom will have to have many scans done though to make sure it isn't going elsewhere. As long as it stays in her bones she is good

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Sunday, May 4, 2008

How do you make the breast cancer symbol with your keyboard

How do you make the breast cancer symbol with your keyboard?
I want to put the breast cancer symbol in my status on facebook without having to use photobucket code or anything like that. For a cross you hold alt then push 0143 on the keypad. Are there any codes like that for the breast cancer symbol?
Cancer - 3 Answers
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1 :
There's not one for a ribbon and for the cross, you press alt and 0134..
2 :
There isnt an alt xxx thing for it, but you can always use this: --- ///\\\---Please ---///-\\\----Put This ---|||---|||---On Your ---|||---|||---account If ---|||---|||---You Know ---\\\-///----Someone ----\\///-----Who Died -----///\-----Of ----///\\\----Cancer ---///--\\\-Or Fighting it O delete the writing and you just have a ribbon!
3 :
I have several ribbons on my email signatures. It won't let me paste them here but if you email me I can send one to you. Its an actual ribbon, not X's. Mine are gray for Brain Cancer/Tumors so you can copy it and change the color yourself. You can make your own by changing the fonts on your mail I think to Comic Sans, (not sure on that) and one of the keys is a ribbon. I need to look and see which one, its been a long time

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Thursday, May 1, 2008

How important is it to get checked for breast cancer

How important is it to get checked for breast cancer?
I know someone whose mother has breast cancer in her side of the family, her sister died from it, but she's scared to get checked because of the possiblity they could find breast cancer. How important is it? It's likely she will get it, because it runs in her family.
Cancer - 7 Answers
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1 :
If you care about living a long life, I'd say it's pretty important...
2 :
very important , and she should not be scared because if she does have it and catch it late then she'll be scared
3 :
There has been a lot of press lately about how the radiation in mammograms triggers breast cancer or that by having annual mammograms women are exposed to toxic loads of radiation that can cause breast cancer. There is also the matter of false negatives and false positives. Regular self breast exam is still the safest method. It would be more accurate to say that a susceptibility to breast cancer might run in the family, but without a "trigger" it most likely won't manifest. That trigger for millions of woman has probably been mammograms.
4 :
It's very important to get it checked out straight away! cancer is an awful disease, the earlier breast cancer is caught the better chance for survival. My grandmother was diagnosed with it in 1982, and got it checked out straight away, and she lived until 2002.
5 :
The only way to know if it runs in the family is if someone with breast cancer in the family was tested for it. If her mother or sister tested positive than she can be tested too and from there her doctor will recommend how often she should be screened and when she should start. Without knowing if she tested positive and not knowing her age it is impossible to know how important it is for her to be screened now. The whole point of screening is because the possibility is there, if it wasn̢۪t there is no point in screening. So, I don̢۪t understand her rational. Every woman has a lifetime risk of 1 in 8 for breast cancer. How likely she is to get it depends on her age and which rare gene runs in her family that increases her risk for the disease.
6 :
VERY Important, especially if it runs in the family. If she is old enough for a mammogram she should go for one, every year! She NEEDS to get Checked. There is nothing worse than dying from something that you didn't know! She runs the risk of it spreading, which is even worse! No it's not "Likely". It's a possibility, but not something she needs to put her life on hold for. I am 42 and I was diagnosed with Breast cancer just last week. I didn't even FEEL It. Nor can my doctor. If it wasn't for my annual mammogram and an ultrasound, I would have had not a clue! So Please tell her not to Delay! If she really want to find out, she can get a simple Blood test with Genetic Testing. This will tell her if she has a chance of contracting it.
7 :
Two years ago my friend and I went for our first mammogram because we had reached 50 years old, mine was clear but my friend who checked her breast regularly was found to have breast cancer, it was deep in the breast and could only be found by the xray, it had been there for several years and was slow growing but within 2 weeks she had her breast removed and several lymph nodes, she now has to take several pills per day for the next 5 years before they will give her the all clear so it is important to get it checked out. What would you prefer, to die in considerable pain because you left it too late or get it checked out and it will probably be clear but if there is something there it will be attended to and save your life. Your Choice

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