Monday, September 28, 2009

Breast Cancer- How can you tell what is a cancerous lump

Breast Cancer- How can you tell what is a cancerous lump?
Im 23 and cancer runs on my mums side of the family. I am very paranoid about breast cancer and I am constantly checking them. I always pressing down hard till I can feel by bones or if I lie a certain way and feel around my nipple area, can feel the lumps that are under my nipples (which i assume/ hope are supposed to be there due to the purpose of my nipples!) I am just unsure of what a cancerous lump actually feels like.
Cancer - 8 Answers
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You need to see a doctor and go through testing in order to tell.
2 :
Bravo for being smart and checking yourself, If you find any lumps i would get them checked out just to be safe, i lost my great aunt to breast cancer its a horrible disease Im kinda paranoid about this kind of stuff too.
3 :
Breast cancer is rarely hereditary and self exams have very limited benefits in your 20s and are not recommended until your 30s. You can’t tell if a lump is cancerous and often doctors can’t either on physical exam alone. This is why mammograms are used as screening exams.
4 :
Breast tissue and fat are both lumpy tissue. If you feel something significant, it would feel something like a hard lump that stands out from the rest of the tissue. Most of the time, breast cancer develops after menopause. There's probably nothing to worry about, but if you are worried, see your doctor. I'm sure they could give you very good advice about checking for lumps.
5 :
You cannot necessarily tell what a cancerous lump feels like. The thing you can do is to do a lot of preventative stuff and empower yourself with knowledge. Subscribe to Natural Health News and find out what Ranger Mike has to say about breast cancer and prevention. [Link below] The most important thing is to stop living in fear....the emotion of fear has a way of creating negative energies and chemical in our bodies.
6 :
Breast cancer at your age is almost unheard of; and breast cancer is rarely hereditary - only 5 - 10% of cases are hereditary, and they are due to a rare inherited faulty gene. In fact, hereditary cancer is rare - fewer than 10% of all cases - and cancer diagnosed after the age of 50 is even less likely to be hereditary. A sign that cancer MAY be hereditary is when several members of the same side of a family have had the SAME type of cancer, especially if some have developed it at a younger than usual age. Several family members having had different types of cancer is not hereditary and doesn't mean cancer 'runs in the family'. It's coincidence - one in two men and one in three women develop cancer over a lifetime of 80 years, so it's a rare family that doesn't have a smattering of people with cancer in its history. Breast cancer is almost unknown in under 25s, fewer than 0.1% of those diagnosed are under 30 and only 5% are under 40. Most (80%) are over 50, and the average age at diagnosis is a little over 60. When I was diagnosed with breast cancer I was allocated to the breast care nurse whose special interest was 'breast cancer in younger women'; I was 50.
7 :
Hey friend, Do not worry about cancer. there is treatment possible in first stage. Please remember that the main cause of every desease is our negative thinking. visit:
8 :
IF you are really nervous you can check yourself a look for some of the more subtle signs and symptoms. I was browsing around the net and found an interactive symptoms checker. Very cool stuff... check it out:

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Thursday, September 24, 2009

What are the chances of a breast cancer patient

What are the chances of a breast cancer patient?
My 2 sisters had one breast removed because of breast cancer. How good are their chances of getting out of this problem?
Cancer - 4 Answers
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From someone who has stood in the room while the doctor explains that your wife has a 50/50 chance of surviving cancer, I can tell you that it's not good. However, out of all the cancers out there, your sisters have the one with the greatest chance of surviving it. This is because everyone likes a pair of boobs and so they all pour money into it. More money is raised for breast cancer research than any other cancer, and so they will tell you they're getting closer to finding a cure. Truth is though, it will depend on your Sisters' age and health as to wheather they will 'beat it' or not, as well as how early they 'caught it'. Fact is, we're all dying, no one gets out of this alive. Live your life like it means something, you may not be here tomorrow. Good luck.
2 :
An individual breast cancer patient's prognosis depends on a number of factors, including the stage and grade of the cancer and the number of lymph nodes invovled, if any. It's impossible to even guess at someone's chances without having this information, and even with this information it would only be possible, even for a doctor, to give a 'best guess' based on statistics as breast cancer, like all cancers, is such an unpredictable disease. If found early, the prospects of complete remission with no recurrence are very good, though there are no guarantees of course. I am in remission almost five years after being diagnosed with an advanced, aggressive breast cancer with multiple lymph node involvement, with no sign of cancer at my last check up, and I know a number of women with similarly poor prognoses who have survived as long or longer. Mr T - the fundraising for breast cancer is so successful (in raising money) not because 'everybody likes a pair of boobs' but because of hard work by groups of women to raise awareness. Anyone could start such a campaign about any cancer. It's true that big business has since become involved, with all the awful pink fluffiness that that brings, but personally I think that has been detrimental to the campain. Apart from the fact that only pennies from the sale of each item sold 'for breast cancer' goes to breast cancer research while the rest goes into the pocket of the company selling them, the pink fluffy fun surrounding it all leads many to believe - as you apparantly do - that breast cancer is either curable or that a cure is just around the corner, and that it's a 'good' cancer to have. In fact like other cancers it is a deadly disease with no known cure, grueling treatments and particularly disfiguring surgery. In the US an average of 112 women die from breast cancer every day; in the UK an average of 33. Edit: @GlennK - that's crap. I had been a vegan for over 8 years (vegetarian for most of my life) when I was diagnosed with breast cancer - no cows milk at all, tons of organic fruit and veg. I also exercised regularly. Find out a few facts about cancer before you go spouting some rubbish you've read on the internet
3 :
are you kidding me...."everyone likes a pair of boobs and so they all pour money into it"???? thank you for a very good answer lo_mcg
4 :
They, and all women , have an excellent chance of avoiding it or recovering from it if they don't drink cow milk (full of antibiotics and growth hormones), but have goat milk instead. Also build up the immune system, exercise daily, (walking is good) drink clean water, have fruit and veggies often, and give all those fearful scare campaigns the flick. All the best to you and yours

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Sunday, September 20, 2009

Is the canadian cancer society and breast cancer part of the same organization

Is the canadian cancer society and breast cancer part of the same organization?
if breast cancer isnt then what are some other organizations that are a part of the canadian cancer society?
Homework Help - 1 Answers
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Here is info on them: I live in the US, but here, and possibly in Canada, there are multiple separate organizations dealing with cancer and research. It looks like from the website, that the Canadian Cancer Society has alliances with other groups, though:

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Wednesday, September 16, 2009

What are some good breast cancer sayings

What are some good breast cancer sayings?
I'm making a shirt for my high school football game tomorrow and it's all centered around breast cancer! I need a clever saying that has to do with football! Or just breast cancer but nothing inappropriate.
Cancer - 1 Answers
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Finding the cure starts with hope I pink I can, I pink I can Show you care, be aware

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Saturday, September 12, 2009

What is the best organization to do a breast cancer awareness walk for

What is the best organization to do a breast cancer awareness walk for?
There are a lot of breast cancer and other awareness type of walks this year and I'd like to participate in some, but I'm not sure which organizations use the money that I raise most effectively. Any opinions? I was thinking about doing the 3-day or maybe something earlier.
Cancer - 2 Answers
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Do the breast cancer 3 day. It is one of the most effective walks. go to
2 :
1. 2. Avon walk

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Tuesday, September 8, 2009

What can I expect on my 6 month breast cancer check up and what questions should i ask

What can I expect on my 6 month breast cancer check up and what questions should i ask?
First I see my medical oncologist and then my breast cancer surgeon. I had a bi-lateral mastecomy.
Cancer - 2 Answers
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They will examine you, probably thump on your back a bit, listen to your heart, maybe have you move your arms around to check your range of motion and ask if you are having any problems. You should ask anything you are wondering about, you might ask your surgeon if he/she will still follow you I don't see mine anymore, just the oncologist yearly. You can ask if there is anything you should be on the lookout for but usually they don't do tests or scans unless there is some reason to do them.
2 :
First of all Congratulations doreendm on your survival. Your surgeon will want to check the operative area for any problems and he/or she will want to check your range of motion. You might want to mention any problems or concerns you have such as swelling of your arms, problems with breast reconstruction,and tingling or numbness in your hands or fingers etc. Your oncologist will likely want to go over your test results with you. I am assuming you have had a bone scan, sonogram and mammography done. BTW you can ask to see the results, and images and have them explained to you. Your oncologist will likely want to review your medicines. Be sure to update him. Ask about side effects, address any concerns or problems you have. And yes ask about ask about your prognosis if you feel comfortable doing so.

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Friday, September 4, 2009

How can I decrease the chances of getting breast cancer

How can I decrease the chances of getting breast cancer?
I really just dont want to get it. It scares me. Are there vitamines that decrease the chances of getting breast cancer?
Cancer - 3 Answers
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apart from obviously knowing how to do checks yourself there are various foods and brands of tea out there that have vitamins that are suppose to help not get cancer - google it
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uhm.. dont eat SOY. i.e: SOYbeans SOY tofu SOY milk SOY _____________ (insert food here) soy is just bad, and especially dont eat it while having your period. it makes it so much worse.
3 :
Unfortunately nobody knows what causes breast cancer, so nobody can say what will prevent it. No particular diet or food has been shown to cause, prevent, treat or cure it. I once thought my healthy organic vegan diet would protect me against breast cancer, but it didn't. While nobody knows the cause, there are recognised risk factors for breast cancer, some preventable, some out of your control. Getting older is the biggest risk factor - 80% of those diagnosed with it are over 50. The other risk factors are: Genetic – but only 5-10% of breast cancers are genetic/hereditary Having children at an older age or not at all. The more children a woman has may also slightly lower her risk. Breast-feeding helps protect against the disease. The longer a woman breastfeeds her children, the more she lowers her risk. Starting periods at a younger than average age (under 12) or having a late menopause (after 55) . Taking the contraceptive pill or hormone replacement therapy (HRT) causes a small increase in risk. However, the risk gradually returns to normal after you stop taking them. Being overweight (especially after the menopause). Regularly drinking more than 1 unit of alcohol per day slightly increases the risk of breast cancer. Having a previous diagnosis of breast cancer increases the risk of developing a new cancer in the other breast. Remember these are only risk factors - someone may tick all of these boxes, and never get cancer, and someone with none of them may still get breast cancer. I'd advise you to try not to worry about it and enjoy your life; I was diagnosed at 50, and I'm glad I didn't spend much of my life before that worrying about it

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Tuesday, September 1, 2009

How can I put a ribbon like for breast cancer for my display name on myspace

How can I put a ribbon like for breast cancer for my display name on myspace?
Like how you would put a heart or a peace sign; I want to put a ribbon in support for breast cancer. Does anyone know the code for one or can just put in on here so I can copy and paste? Thanks:)
MySpace - 1 Answers
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great question thanks for being a fellow supporter for breast cancer I tried looking for a way too but gave up and am just using the ribbon as my profile picture and headline if you do find a way let me know I would like to do it too.! OCTOBER= Breast Cancer Awareness Month

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