Saturday, February 28, 2009

Breast Cancer

Breast Cancer?
What are the symptoms of Breast cancer? What body system is affected by Breast Cancer? What are the treatments of Breast Cancer? First to get a good answer gets 10 points! Thank you The best answer will be chosen by May 28th.
Cancer - 5 Answers
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1 :
my mther had breast cancer last year there is no real symptoms only she felt a lump on her breast the treatment she got was removal of the whole breast and five weeks radiation in hospital thank god a year later she doing geat
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Symptoms Different people have different warning signs for breast cancer. Some people do not have any signs or symptoms at all. A person may find out they have breast cancer after a routine mammogram. Some warning signs of breast cancer are 1 New lump in the breast or underarm (armpit). Thickening or swelling of part of the breast. Irritation or dimpling of breast skin. Redness or flaky skin in the nipple area or the breast. Pulling in of the nipple or pain in the nipple area. Nipple discharge other than breast milk, including blood. Any change in the size or the shape of the breast. Pain in any area of the breast. Invasive Ductal Carcinoma (IDC)- Invasive Lobular Carcinoma (ILC)- Ductal Carcinoma in situ (DCIS) Treatment of breast cancer varies according to the nature and extent of the cancer, the opinion of the doctor or doctors and the wishes of the patient. To play an active role in treatment decisions, a patient should gather as much information as he or she can about a particular diagnosis. In some cases the breast is removed completely along with surrounding tissues. This is called a modified radical mastectomy, and for many years it was the only treatment available. Now, in some cases in which the cancer is fairly small and localized — which means it has not spread outside the breast — it is possible to remove only the lump and some of the surrounding tissue. This procedure is sometimes called a "lumpectomy." Lumpectomies are generally followed by radiation to the breast. Sometimes chemotherapy may also be administered. For both mastectomy and lumpectomy procedures, lymph nodes near the tumor are generally removed as well. Patients with high risk breast cancer may be offered autologous blood stem cell transplantation with a special treatment called the Stamp V regimen. Treatment(s) may involve: Surgery - Any breast cancer surgery can be a deeply traumatic experience. Surgery is used when a large number of cancer cells are together in one place (usually the primary tumor) and when the surgeon can reach that place without causing harm to the patient. Surgery is used to treat about half of all cancers. To determine the degree to which the cancer may have spread, the surgeon removes not only the obvious cancer, but a portion of what appears to be healthy tissue around the cancer. Surgeons often remove the lymph nodes that are near the cancer as well. A lumpectomy is a less invasive surgical technique that involves removing the tumor and the lymph nodes (Hundreds of small bean shaped organs (sometimes called glands) located throughout specific area of the body in the lymphatic system. They act as filters to collect and destroy bacteria. Cancer cells that may be moving through the lymphatic system can get trapped in the lymph nodes) under the arm but not the whole breast. A mastectomy can be segmental or total. In segmental mastectomy, the surgeon removes the cancer and a larger area of normal breast tissue around it. Total mastectomy is more invasive and is the surgical removal of the breast and the lymph nodes under the arm. Breast reconstruction is often an option at the same time as the mastectomy, or later on. Women considering reconstruction should discuss this with a plastic surgeon before having a mastectomy. Breast Conserving Surgery- an operation conducted to remove the breast cancer but not the breast itself. Types of breast-conserving surgery include lumpectomy, quadrantectomy, and segmental mastectomy (removal of the cancer as well as some of the breast tissue around the tumor and the lining over the chest muscles below the tumor). Also called breast-sparing surgery. Hormone therapy - Several types of cancer can only grow and spread in the presence of natural chemicals in the body called hormones. Other types of cancer, however, are slowed by specific hormones. The use of treatments that fight cancer by altering the amounts of these hormones in the body is called hormone therapy. This type of therapy is especially useful for treating many cancers of the breast and reproductive system. Chemotherapy- Chemotherapy is most often used when a cancer is not isolated in one place but when it has metastasized or spread throughout the body. Chemotherapy is also used to lessen the chances that tumor cells that have spread, but can not be detected, will grow. Chemotherapy is delivered to every tissue in the body by the bloodstream. These drugs fight cancer by interfering with the metabolism or growth process of cancer cells, eventually causing the cells to die. For many cancers, combinations of chemotherapy medicines are given because they are more effective given together, than alone. Chemotherapy regimens can be given in many ways, such as: Oral (by mouth) Topical (on top of the skin as a cream or lotion) Intravenous (into a vein or IV) Intraperitoneal (into the abdominal cavity or IP) Intralesional (into the tumor) Radiation therapy- Radiation is useful in treating many types of cancer. It is often used when the cancer is in one, or a small number of places in the body. Radiation therapy uses beams of high-energy waves or streams of particles including X-rays, gamma rays, and electrons to destroy cancer cells. Like chemotherapy, radiation therapy halts the growth and division of cancer cells and causes them to die. Two main types of radiation are used, external beam radiation and internal radiation or brachytherapy. External beam radiation focuses on the tumor from outside of the body. It is much like getting a diagnostic X-ray, but for a longer time. Before treatments start, imaging studies such as MRIs, CT scans, or plain X-rays are done to find the exact location of the tumor. The radiation team will then make some ink marks on the skin, that they will later use as a guide, to focus the radiation in the right area. Each treatment lasts only a few minutes and is painless. Brachytherapy uses small radioactive pellets or "seeds" that are placed near the tumor. Treatments are often combined with external beam radiation, which is given at a lower dose than it normally would be if used by itself. 5. Biological therapy is a treatment designed to enhance the body's natural defenses against cancer. For example, Herceptin® (trastuzumab) is a monoclonal antibody (A laboratory-produced substance that can locate and bind to cancer cells wherever they are in the body. Many monoclonal antibodies are used in cancer detection or therapy; each one recognizes a different protein on certain cancer cells. Monoclonal antibodies can be used alone, or they can be used to deliver drugs, toxins, or radioactive material directly to a tumor.) that targets breast cancer cells that have too much of a protein known as human epidermal growth factor receptor-2 (HER-2). By blocking HER-2, Herceptin slows or stops the growth of these cells. Herceptin may be given by itself or along with chemotherapy. A woman's treatment options depend on a number of factors. These factors include her age and menopausal status; her general health; the size and location of the tumor and the stage (The extent of a cancer within the body. If the cancer has spread, the stage describes how far it has spread from the original site to other parts of the body.) of the cancer; the results of lab tests; and the size of her breast. Often, two or more methods are used in combination. In most cases a lumpectomy is followed by several weeks of : Radiation, then chemotherapy, or Hormone therapy, then radiation.
3 :
1)Lump - a lump 2)Pain - majority of the patient has no symptom of breast pain but some do have breast pain at the early stage. 3) breast changes - one side of breast become assymetry. the side of ca will be extensively ulcerated, bleeding,erroded depends on the extensive of the ca 4) nipple changes - will be inverted 5) Loss of weight and loss of appetite
4 :
Lumps in the breast, sore breasts are signs, breast cancer affects the breasts, lymph nodes, and if you do have cancer it affects you mentally one way or another.
5 : read this

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Tuesday, February 24, 2009

Breast Cancer

Breast Cancer!?
My aunt was diagnosed with breast cancer. I heard that only women in their 40s can have breast cancer, is this true? I'm 18.
Cancer - 10 Answers
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1 :
anyone can get it, im 22 and beat ovarian cancer. look up the symptoms and do your monthly checks
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yes it this stage u need not 2 worry
3 :
no you can be any age to get cancer, I believe when you get a mammogram you are exposing yourself to any age...there is natural ways to cure cancer..Penny C Royal has a website that is chalked full of info and she is a cancer survior...hope it helps
4 :
no it's not true anyone can get it even men.... i do some work at the hospital! hoped i helped!
5 :
I was diagnosed with breast cancer at the age of 18 and by the grace of GOD I am now living a normal and healthy life. Unfortunately too many of us think because we are young something like cancer can't affect us. Please make sure that you go for your yearly check up even if you are under the age of 40 :)
6 :
Breast cancer can come at any age it does not discriminate! sorry! carla
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women can have breast cancer at any age not only at forty and not only that, it could run in the family, meaning if her mom had breasts cancer then she night get it or skip her and u might get it, it's all acccording
8 :
This is a VERY outdated fact - in actuallity, ONE in EIGHT women WILL develop breast cancer at SOME point in their lives (and 1 in 33 will DIE of it!) Age is not a major factor - though the likelyhood DOES increase over time. Those who get it earlier tend to get it FAR more aggresively... Even MEN can get it (approx. 1.08 per 100,000 men) - but it tends to be FAR more fatal as there aren't "Mammograms for Men". It is usually only caught at the later stages - and the death rate is something like 1 in 4 for men... Check the Wikipedia link below - there is a LOT of good information there
9 :
women in their 40's may be more commonly diagnosed, but there are many cases with women who are diagnosed with breast cancer who are under the age of 40. if you are worried, get yourself checked out. good luck. i am truly sorry to hear about your aunt.
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yes, you can have it at age 18. However, I STRONGLY disagree with the person who said age isn't a factor. No matter what data you look at, age is the BIGGEST risk factor for breast cancer. It's very, very rare in women under age 40. The times you can see it is in families with strong family history (generally involving certain mutations, nothign to suggest you're at risk because 1 aunt has cancer), kids who have had radiation therapy, or in very rare, atypical forms of disease. Most women are at very low risk before age 40, and their risk goes up year by year, and probably starts to go up even more after menopause. Self checks at your age are not a bad idea, but to be frank if you find a lump there's a greater than 95% chance you've found something benign. You should start getting mammograms at age 40 or (maybe) 10 years before your aunt's age at diagnosis

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Friday, February 20, 2009

Breast Cancer

Breast Cancer?
If a person has breast cancer, do they usually die from it? If so, how long is the longest they will probably live while having it? Another question too, can people with breast cancer get chemotherapy?
Cancer - 4 Answers
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1 :
You know, there are too many factors to consider here. It depends on what type of cancer and how early it's detected. My mom had a diagnosis last year, got a lumpectomy and 6 weeks of radiation and is perfectly well, just because she got her mammograms religiously every year and they caught it while it was very small.
2 :
No, most people with breast cancer do very well and go on to live disease-free after a course of treatment. The reason we hear so much about breast cancer deaths is because so many women get breast cancer (one out of eight) and even though a lot of women die, it's actually a very small percentage of the total women who get the disease. As for your question about chemotherapy -- yes, breast cancer is often treated with chemotherapy, as well as with surgery, radiation and medications. The course of treatment depends on several factors (age of the patient, characteristics of the tumor, other health problems, etc.). A good oncologist will be able to take all factors into consideration and determine the best course of treatment.
3 :
My Great Grandmother had it when she was in her 90's and she still lived and was cancer free, and that was with limmited treatment becuase of her age. The death rate has alot to do with when they find, and other medcal problems. And Yes they get chemo. "This year in America, more than 211,000 women will be diagnosed with breast cancer and 43,300 die. One woman in seven either has or will develop breast cancer in her lifetime. In addition, 1,600 men will be diagnosed with breast cancer and 400 will die this year. If detected early, the five-year survival rate exceeds 95%. Mammograms are among the best early detection methods, yet 13 million U.S. women 40 years of age or older have never had a mammogram." from
4 :
cancer is an autoimmune disorder and all you need is natural supplements to build your immune system. Cancer killing cells are a natural function of the immune system. you need glyconutrients. go to my site and listen to stories about cancer. you need the optimal health system to help your cells fight off disease period

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Monday, February 16, 2009

Breast cancer

Breast cancer?
What disorder of the endocrine system causes breast cancer? And how long has breast cancer been known as a disease or condition? i really need your help. thank you all very much/
Cancer - 2 Answers
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1 :
Cancer is an ancient disease. The ACS has a page about the History of Cancer and says this about breast cancer: "Cancer has afflicted humans throughout recorded history. It is no surprise that from the dawn of history doctors have written about cancer. Our oldest description of cancer (although the term cancer was not used) was discovered in Egypt and dates back to approximately 1600 B.C. The Edwin Smith Papyrus, or writing, describes 8 cases of tumors or ulcers of the breast that were treated by cauterization, with a tool called "the fire drill." The writing says about the disease, "There is no treatment." The History of Cancer
2 :
Can't give you much info, but should you need it Try Vitamin C therapy. A few years ago a cancer researcher came out with a paper saying that the best cancer and infection fighter as yet found was Interferon, but, at the time, it cost $15,000 a gram. The good part was that Interferon was a product of the natural breakdown of Vitamin C in your system. Shortly after that paper came out the FDA tried to make Vit C by prescription only. Guess why? The FDA says that the RDA for Vit C is 64 mg a day, just enough to prevent scurvy. Linus Pauling, who got a Nobel Prize for his work with Vit C and a second Nobel Prize for organic chemistry, said 1000 mg a day as a minimum and 2000 mg a day if you are sick. On a personal note, I was sick twice a year, for 2 weeks at a time, for 20 years, and was flat on my back for at least a week each time. To this day the doctors have no idea what the problem was. After I gave up on the doctors I tried Vit C. I took enough to keep from being sick and just below too much to get diarrhea. It followed a bell curve over 2 weeks with a peak at 40,000 mg a day – about 300,000 over the 2 weeks. I was not sick for those 2 weeks and after a couple of years of that I have not been sick since. I did not dissolve my kidneys, as some doctors said would happen. I did not get any calcium build up or stones and did not dissolve my cones or solidify my joints. Try it, but drink a lot of water – Vit C is a natural diuretic

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Thursday, February 12, 2009

breast cancer

breast cancer?
where shoud i go, meaning what kind of doctor, to get a breast cancer exam. and what do they do.
Women's Health - 9 Answers
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you should see a gynecologist. He will take a breast and pelvic exam.
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Go to a place that takes momograms.
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do a selfexam. search on google on how. Then go see a regular doc and he/she will refer you to a local oncologist IF IF its suspect for cancer. But you have to go see a general doc first
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You can ask your Primary care physician to give you order for mamogram( xrays of your breast that are alittle uncomfortable), if you didn't want to go to an OB GYN. Either way you should always do monthly breast exam and get yaerly female exams.
5 :
how old are you? there is breast cancer in my family(my mom died from it) 16yr ago. I went to my local dr and they referred me to breast cancer awareness.(im in ohio) so I dont know about your state or town. ask your dr or planned parenthood or family planning. they can help too. there are special drs that perform regular check ups. do have breast cancer already? they exam the breast either by x ray or by mammagram. thats how mine is done each year. just had mine past feb 2006. good luck. let us know how it goes for you. will pray for you.
6 :
Go to your GP first. They may send you to a specialist for Examinations & Tests, if needed. You or a friend can help with initial examination of your breasts. if you feel any lumps or cects see your doctor right away.
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How old are you? If you are young, meaning under the age of 25, they will most likely do an ultrasound on your breasts as opposed to a mammogram because breast tissue in young women is too dense to detect anything through a mammogram. You can go to a gyno or a cancer center where they do screenings. Good luck!
8 :
Your regular doctor can exam you then he /she should send you to a place that takes mamograms.There read by the doctor there that specialiest in that field.then they notify your doctor with report of findings.You should start gettig mamograms in late thirties early forties.If breast cancer runs in your family you should start sooner.We have a place in the next town that does all kinds of test and the radioligist is on duty there.You can order your own mamogram and have it sent to your doc.and they also imform you with the results.I like that.You might have a place like that close to you.
9 :
ob gyn

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Sunday, February 8, 2009

Breast cancer

Breast cancer?
I am fourteen and my right breast is a b cup and my left is flat. My left breast has a rash that is in the area where the bottom of the bra is spreading to near below the nipple area. I've really been worrying. Could I have breast cancer? Or are my breasts still filling out and could the rash just be an allergic reaction?
Cancer - 3 Answers
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At your age it is unlikely to be cancer. But the rash is still of concern. I would strongly suggest that you talk to your mom and see if she thinks you should go to the doctor. It is probably just an allergy - but I would rather you be safe than sorry.
2 :
hello, if you want read something about breast cancer i just come accross this blog which may help you
3 :
At 14 your breasts are still just developing. It is normal for them to develope unevenly. It is rare to the almost impossible stage for you to have breast cancer so young, but a persistant rash in the breast area can indicate a rare form of cancer that can occur very young (Paget's disease). Are you sure that this isn't just the bra rubbing? Especially as there is no breast to hold it in place on that side? Get the rash checked out, could be allergy, could be chaffing but get it checked to be sure

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Wednesday, February 4, 2009

Breast cancer

Breast cancer?
I feel lumps in my breasts and they hurt. Is this a sign of breast cancer?
Women's Health - 3 Answers
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Normally, cancer doesn't hurt. But get it checked if you're worried.
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breast lumps should always be atken seriuosly. consult your doctor at once. the prevalence of breast CA is soaring
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Often tender breast lumps are fibrocystic changes and perfectly normal. Usually patients with breast cancer complain of one painless lump, but not always. Fibrocystic breasts can make a self breast exam very difficult. See your doctor and have regular mammograms. By the way, caffeine tends to make fibrocystic breasts worse

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Sunday, February 1, 2009

Breast Cancer

Breast Cancer?
First, how young have you heard of women getting breast cancer? I think it might be not as common for a 18-29 year old to get breast cancer, than it is for a woman over 30 right? And also, Is it possible to catch somehow breast cancer before the tumor is big enough to tell apart from the normal breast? If you only have a little aching in one spot, a family history of many cancers including breast it likely? Just getting opinions, thank you.
Cancer - 5 Answers
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1 :
From everything I've read and heard, you're more likely to get it at 40 or older. Get regular mamograms at 40. Most believe that it is hereditary, yes.
2 :
Search the internet for organic appricot kernels or seeds, buy them and eat them. Apricot seeds is the best vitamin B17 Sorce used to cure and prevent any cancer. (america do not want people to know that I don't know why, well I do, they want to lower the population by as much as possible) White sugar and everything that has it and it's the best way to get cancer.
3 :
as a woman age, the risk increases. there r many other factors contributing to breast cancers too. lumps maybe be benign or malignant, u need to see doc to check. Most breast cancer started up with small lumps. Family history of breast cancer has higher risks. my dermacare bust defining serum contains ingredients that can help reduce risk of breast cancer
4 :
Most women and men who get breast cancer are over 40, but this isn't the golden is possible..although not very likely to get it younger...having a history puts you at greater risk..but doesn't doom you, by any means...if you feel something is odd, or just not right, then hey, it never hurts to go get a check self exams bi monthly at least..
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BREAST-cancer symtoms:- 1. Any change in size of the breast. 2. Bloody, yellow, or green discharge from the nipple. 3. Any lump in the breast or in the armpit, usually painless. 4. Any dimpling or change in the texture of the skin of the breast. 5. A change in the shape of the nipple; 6. Any persistent irritation, scaling or ulcer of the nipple. In a study that took over 20 years, Dr. Hardin Jones, Professor of Medical Physics and Physiology at Berkeley, California found that women with breast cancer survived four times longer without conventional treatments. Women who refused treatment lived for an average of twelve and a half years, while those who submitted to orthodox treatments lived an average of only three years. In other words, conventional methods for treating cancer shortened the lives of these patients by an average of nine and a half years! By using the most unnatural forms of treatment they can find, Western doctors have transformed cancer into a monster. A condition which in itself is little more than a symptom of extreme toxicity has been promoted to the status of the most feared disease of modern times. The therapies used on cancer patients do not strengthen their bodies so they can better cope with the cancer. They weaken the patients and make it even more difficult for them to recover. Cancer patients are exterminated, or, if you prefer, slowly tortured to death by well-meaning doctors who do not know what they are doing. On the other hand, the wonderful results obtained with the use of homeopathy and other natural methods, which show a success rate of over 90 percent in the case of beginning cancers, have had no effect on Western medical thinking. "The End of Cancer", Dubois and Lubecki, Page 40, ISBN 1887314075
6 :
Breast cancer is more common the older you get. But women in their teens do get it. It's just very rare. Yes, it can be possible to find cancers before they are big enough to tell apart from the normal breast with tools such as mammogram and MRI. If you have aching in one spot and it persists through more than one menstrul cycle, yes, you should get it checked out, probably with an ultrasound. Has anyone in your family been tested for the breast cancer genes? Maybe they could get tested and give you a better idea of your risk. Info below. Good luck

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