does breast cancer hurt? i mean is the breast supposed to hurt so much? is one of the symptoms a change of color like a black spot on both under the nipples (which hurt.) has anybody here have breast cancer and it was a false alarm? why did you think you had breast cancer?
Cancer - 7 Answers
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1 :
Definition: Cancer that forms in tissues of the breast, usually the ducts (tubes that carry milk to the nipple) and lobules (glands that make milk). It occurs in both men and women, although male breast cancer is rare. Symptoms: Early breast cancer usually does not cause pain. In fact, when it first develops, breast cancer may cause no symptoms at all. But as the cancer grows, it can cause these changes: * a lump or thickening in the breast or armpit * a change in the size or shape of the breast * discharge from the nipple * a change in the color or texture of the skin of the breast or areola (such as dimpling, puckering, or scaliness).
2 :
I was diagnosed with BC in December. I found the lump because I had a spot on my breast that was very tender and every so often would get just a general achy feel about it. I didn't have any black spots like you mentioned. If you think there is a problem (and it sure sounds like it) call your dr. and make an appointment. Good luck!
3 :
Get a specialist to look at it. In the meantime - 4 - Try Vitamin C therapy. A few years ago a cancer specialist came out with a paper that said the best cancer/infection fighter found to date was Interferon. At the time it was $15,000 a gram. 17 The paper also said that Interferon was a by-product of the natural breakdown of Vitamin C in your body. 18 Shortly after that the FDA tried to make Vitamin C by prescription only. Guess why? (If you find this useful, copy it and give it to a friend. Somebody got to Yahoo and they delete this as soon as they find it) The FDA has the RDA for Vitamin C set at 64 mg a day, just enough to ward off scurvy. Linus Pauling, who got a Nobel Prize for his work with Vitamin C and a second Nobel Prize for Organic Chemistry, said that 1000 mg a day should be the minimum and 2000 mg a day if you are sick or smoke. He played tennis almost daily until the day he died at 96. Personally, I got sick twice a year for 2 weeks at a time, for more than 20 years, with something to this day the doctors have no idea what it was, but for a week in the middle of those 2 weeks I was flat on my back. 19 I started Vitamin C therapy once I gave up on the doctors. I took enough to be asymptomatic for those 2 weeks. Too much and I got diarrhea and too little and I got sick. Within a narrow range, and it followed a bell curve over those 2 weeks, I was not sick. At the height I was taking 40,000 mg a day and 300,000 over the 2 weeks. After 2 years of that I have not been sick since รข€“ more than 15 years. Vitamin C acts as a natural diuretic so you need to drink a lot of water and watch your body in total, but my kidneys did not dissolve as the doctors predicted, or get massive kidney stones as other predicted. 20 I did not dissolve my bones as some predicted or completely calcify my joints as others predicted. I had no side effects at all. It might be something to consider.
4 :
Get it checked out. I didn't have black spots but I did have sharp jabbing pains from my tumor. It's definitely worth getting checked out. They say cancer doesn't hurt, that's what I was told for the two years mine was ignored by doctors but I'm here to tell you it can hurt. It's likely nothing but get it checked to be sure.
5 :
Breast cancer can hurt, especially when the tumor invades the nerves, but there are other things that can cause breast pain (inflammation, infection), so definitely get this checked out. If you do have cancer, the soon you act, the better it will be for you. Let us know how it goes.
6 :
Well-they say it doesn't hurt, but mine did. My little dog stepped on my breast. A huge lump formed and it hurt. It went away so I ignored it. Several months later I had a mammo and breast exam. Nothing. 2 months later the lump came back and hurt again. Well-it was stage 2 invasive carcinoma. The cancer had been there all along and was missed in the mammo and the doctor missed it. The dog had apparently stepped on a lump we couldn't feel, and it caused inflamation around the cancer. Food for thought. Maybe the tumor itself didn't hurt, but the area around it hurt a great deal when it got injured! My advise is to ignor all the rules, and if ANYTHING is funny or different go see a doctor. Don't wait. I am now awaiting a mastectomy after two lumpectomies.
7 :
When my breast cancer was diagnosed last year it was because I found a lump in my breast while doing a self breast exam. It was not painful, nor was it discolored. It was just a lump. It was properly diagnosed by a biopsy
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