Thursday, August 28, 2008

How do you deal with your sister having breast cancer in both of her breasts

How do you deal with your sister having breast cancer in both of her breasts?
My sister has breast cancer in both of her breasts. It is not the kind that gives you lumps. but the masses. It does't look good. More tests will be done. but how can I deal with the fact that she could be gone in 6 months? My mother had breast cancer but was able to get it before it got her. So more then likely I will get it too. Cancer is so ugly and such a hurtful disease. Don't know how to deal with it. I am fully aware that it doesn't necessarily mean death in 6 months, I just meant that it was a possiblity it could of happened in the near future. Thanks for all your support and answers. My sister is going to be okay. She had some more tests run, and she doesn't have it thank God. She has cystic tumours in both of her breast but they are not cancerous at this point. So all is well, and thanks God she will be okay. Thanks everyone for you wonderful answers and support at this time of worry.
Women's Health - 5 Answers
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1 :
I am very sorry. I hope that your sister will be ok. Maybe there is a support group you can join.
2 :
Look not at the cancer, but at your sister. Enjoy the time that you have, had, and will have. Life is fragile and fleeting. Enjoy what you have while you have it, as tomorrow is never certain. It will be sad when she goes (whether that's early from cancer, or later from natural causes), but that doesn't mean that you should dwell on that now. Grieve when the time comes, not now.
3 :
i am so sorry about your sister that best advice i can give you is to be with her all the time you can and show her you are there to support her it will mean alot
4 :
My heart goes out to you and your sister. First, try to stay positive and strong, dance, laugh, pray, watch sad movies so you can cry your eyes out. Do what has always made you happy (even if you have to force yourself) and your brain and heart will follow. Spend time with your family, talk, share. Get regular testing, I am a survivor, it works. I feel that information impowers, research helps. There are also wonderful support groups to help with coping. Hang in there, you'll make it. ~Peace~
5 :
I'm really sorry about you sister. But breast cancer doesn't mean death in 6 months. By the way I'm a senior medical student. Here's a very important thing they always tell us..The most aggressive cancers are the most cancers likely to resolve spontaneously. I think your sister needs all the psycological support rather than medical support... But always stick to that very little hope there is..You can try joining this forum at and I'll try to answer any questions in more details..

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Sunday, August 24, 2008

What constitutes a family history of breast cancer

What constitutes a family history of breast cancer?
My mum was diagnosed with breast cancer in her mid-40's and she's the only one who had it in my family.I'm 19 and she's stressing about the prospect that I'll get it too because she had it.As far as I know there have to be at least 2 people in your family for the cancer to be linked to genetic reasons.Am I wrong?
Cancer - 4 Answers
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1 :
no i do think you a re right there has to be more than 1 know en case of it i had cervical cancer and no other family member in my blood lines had it so some times it just happens as well
2 :
Anyone can get breast CA. Having any family history puts you ast risk. But yes scientists say that having at least 2 puts you at "high" risk.
3 :
Even one relative, generally female and generally on your mother's side of the family, constitutes a family history of breast cancer. But men can also develop breast cancer. Their breasts have most of the same types of tissue as do women's, just in smaller quantities. Tell your doctor. Tell every one of your doctors. As well, there is genetic testing available that can tell you if you carry one of two specific genes that are seen in some types of breast cancers. Not all of them, but some of them. You can ask for that test. If it's positive, you should then ask to be referred to a geneticist for counselling. If you are positive and you have had that counselling, you can then make informed decisions about your future. Even if you do not carry either of those genes, that doesn't guarantee that you will never develop breast cancer. But with your family history, you need to make certain that you are doing monthly breast self exams. A doctor or a nurse can teach you to do this. As well, depending upon where you live, you would probably qualify for more frequent and earlier breast cancer screening mammograms. Again, talk with your doctor about this. A mammogram is no fun, but it's a few moments of pain and can save your life. Don't ignore this tool.
4 :
Check out: They have good information on cancer diagnosis and treatment options.

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Wednesday, August 20, 2008

How to self examine yourself for breast cancer

How to self examine yourself for breast cancer?
How do you do a self examination on yourself for breast cancer? What age should you start to do examinations? How many times should I do a self examination? What should I be feeling for? What is normal to be feeling ? Should I be doing this before, after, or while on my period? (my breast get really tender just before my period, so I don't know if i could touch them at that time) Please be descriptive as possible, thanks.
Women's Health - 1 Answers
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1 :

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Saturday, August 16, 2008

Can emotional trauma cause breast cancer to grow so quickly

Can emotional trauma cause breast cancer to grow so quickly?
My mum went through an emotional trauma and 1 month later she was diagnosed with a 1.8cm lump which turned out to be breast cancer. Is it possible for breast cancer to start growing so quickly after an emotional shock?
Cancer - 3 Answers
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1 :
No. Firstly, cancer does not develop that quickly. Your mum's cancer has almost certainly developed over a long period of time. Secondly, cancer is not connected to emotional trauma.Sometimes people are desperate to find an explanation for their cancer, and will identify a time of great stress or trauma -divorce, bereavement etc - and assume there is a connection. There isn't any credible evidence, though, that stress or trauma contribute to the cause of any cancers, or affect the progress of cancer. Many people who are diagnosed with cancer have had recent traumas, but just as many have not. The same is true for people who haven't been diagnosed with cancer. There isn't a pattern. When I was diagnosed with breast cancer, my sister was - still is - convinced it was due to a time of great stress a couple of years earlier; she was ignoring the fact that my cancer had been developing for many years (it was advanced) and certainly predated that traumatic time. Sorry to hear that your mum has cancer; my best wishes for her treatment.
2 :
Do you know how a chemical catalyst works? Emotional traumas function as catalysts; they do not cause cancer, they accelerate the process that was yet running at an imperceptible speed. Your mother must have always been a good person,had you been mi own child I'd have felt proud of you: she is loved so by you, I see it, so don't worry too much, she'll get through it. Breast cancer has to do with a testosterone imbalance (an hormone related with aggressive behavior). Your physician will explain this to you much better than the way: did this emotional trauma had something to do with frustration? An unconscious long time guilt could be the main cause for the auto-destruction we call cancer... God bless you both.
3 :
First of all sorry about your mom. My mom has stage 4 breast cancer. No, trauma can't cause cancer. Stress can weaken your immune system and make it harder to fight off sickness and things like that. It sounds like they did catch it soon so that's good. It's difficult. You just have to be there for her and keep her spirits up

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Tuesday, August 12, 2008

How long can you live with breast cancer

How long can you live with breast cancer?
I had just found out my 47 year old mom has breast cancer, she has just been diagnosed the other day, and they found it relatively early. I don't know exactly how long she has had it for yet. It has not spread in the lymph nodes or any other parts beside her breast. How long would you say she has to live?
Cancer - 12 Answers
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1 :
it not a very fast killing cancer, probably just need a breast removed
2 :
Possibly decades. If they caught it early and she gets it treated and no lymph nodes are involved she could live 20-30 years or more.
3 :
i know people who have been diagnosed early and have had full recovery goodluck to her
4 :
Since they found it so early there is a great chance that they will remove it and she will go on to live a normal life. :)
5 :
She could live as long as any of us.
6 :
It would depend on if any treatments help her. What type of cancer she has and what her health is like. People here ask these questions that are impossible to answer. There are so many variables that this would be impossible to even guess at.
7 :
Wow - calm down! This is a huge shock to hear this, cancer can be unpredictable but breast cancer caught early is one of the most treatable forms of cancer. If it has not spread they may do a lumpectomy (taking out just the tumour) or a breast removal in tandem with radiation and drug therapy. It sounds very much like they have got it early and your moms chances are exceptionally good. I think you will have your mom with you for a while yet. I have 3 women in my family who have had..and recovered from..breast cancer. Be supportive of your mom and I wish you both all the best as she goes through treatment xx
8 :
You can live as long as anyone who never had cancer. The fact that they caught it early is great news! Nutrition is extremely important for her recovery, please encourage her to eat lots of fresh organic fruits and veggies. No more junk food! I also believe that homeopathic medicine can help reverse cancer. Best wishes for a prompt recovery to your mother
9 :
Think positively. I've seen so many cases where cancer was completely. She has been detected in early stage, you can start treatment immediately. There are also some other alternative solutions which can be followed along with professional treatment like Ganoderma Mushroom based supplements. No one can predict life because its life and is very intricate. Positive thinking and positive approach aren't just theoretical words but have a proven practical inference.
10 :
There are no guarantees with breast cancer, and nobody can answer your question. But as the cancer has been caught early and has not spread to her lymph nodes, the outlook is good. While nobody can promise you anything, many people who have had breast cancer live long and healthy lives without being troubled by it again. The longest someone who I know personally has survived is 17 years - so far. I was diagnosed 5 years ago with an advanced aggressive breast cancer that had spread to 13 lymph nodes. Following treatment I'm fit and well with no evidence of cancer at my most recent check-up. I don't know why your question is attracting recommendations for alternative therapies; please bear in mind that none of these has been proven to treat anything - homeopathy certainly can't reverse cancer!
11 :
Her chances of 100% cure are extremely high. Try not to worry.
12 :
If it has not spread , her chances are fantastic. As soon as they remove it they will give good follow up care and she will be back to feeling good. I wish all the best to you and the family

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Friday, August 8, 2008

what are the causes of breast cancer for the women, if not from the genes

what are the causes of breast cancer for the women, if not from the genes?
My sister- in- law survived from breast cancer 3 yrs ago, but she got no idea where she got it. They dont even have a history of any type of cancer in teh family. Today My Mom, sufferring from cancer to the cervix, we dont ahve any cancer history in the whole family. I dont like to have cancer like them, but I am always thinking that no body is safe from cancer. Esp breast cancer.
Cancer - 3 Answers
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1 :
There are a lot of unknown reasons why someone gets cancer. Only a very small percentage is genetic. My aunt, sister and I all have had breast cancer and it wasn't the due to the BRCA1 BRCA2 genetic mutation. There could be environmental reasons that haven't been discovered yet, or foods, additives, plastics, etc that they just don't know about...
2 :
sometimes it just develop by itself
3 :
hi i'm found the good blog related with your problem found this blog in

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Monday, August 4, 2008

What are the chances of someone actually surviving breast cancer

What are the chances of someone actually surviving breast cancer?
My sister's mother in law was diagnosed with breast cancer about a year ago, but she never told anyone of her condition till now. This whole time she's been keeping it a secret from everyone so we wouldn;t worry about her. She's undergone chemotherapy alone. I believe she's a very strong woman. Today she basically told everyone and made us all cry. She made it seem like she's dying, she was saying her good-bye's.
Cancer - 7 Answers
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1 :
If she has gone through her treatments and is able to talk about it with her family and friends, she is probably open enough to answer this question for you. Each person is different and she is obviously different. Currently, people are living longer after getting treatment for Breast Cancer. Your friend might just be one of the more lucky people.
2 :
This is a very hard question to answer unless we know the full facts. It depends if the cancer has spread to other areas of the body. Even if it has, your sister's mother in law could still survive. It just depends on how much it has spread, which organs it is in, what treatment she is going to now have. My mum was first diagnosed with breast cancer when she was 39. She underwent radiation therapy and was fine for the next 15 years. It took 15 years for the cancer to come back and it now has come back with a vengeance. I keep asking her about time but she said the doctors will only talk to you about time if they think there is no hope at all. Perhaps if your sister MIL was saying her goodbyes then she has been given a time by her doctors. Not necessarily though. You need to know the full facts I'm sorry I cant help you out more but as I said, its very hard to tell without knowing how bad it is. I'm very sorry you all have to go through this. It is a very hard devastating thing. My love and prayers to you all xoxoxo
3 :
50-60% chance
4 :
The chances of a woman surviving breast cancer is 85%. However, since she waited so long for the treatment those odds are probably worse because the cancer could have severely worsened. Best of luck to you and your family. We'll keep you all in our prayers.
5 :
cancer is curable and also can be prevented .every day 300 cancerous cell produced in body.cancer comes due to low immunity in here are solutions to cancer like ganoderma which can cure cancer. WHO found that in china and japan 1 in 200 die of cancer whereas in other countries it is 1 out of 7 to 1 out 5 .it was found it is due to ganoderma chinese and japanese could fight it . i know many people cured of cancer. if you want help i will .I know many people cured by alternate medicine and living .i can even introduce you to a few .I am sorry for him. ,i will pray almighty and if you wish help you out. can contact me for more queries
6 :
As far as your sister's mother-in-law, no one can really say because we don't know at what stage it was found and if it had spread...what type of treatments she had. And...really her doctor could give her statistics, but everybody is different. Staying positive is really important, although from personal experience I know that can be hard at times. There are many survivors out there...I hope she will be one of them.
7 :
Survival rates depend on these key factors: --> The Stage the cancer is in. Stage I is small, Stage IV is big. --> Has it left the breast? If so, how many lymph nodes have been affected? --> How as it responded to treatment? When breast cancer is caught in early stages, cure rates can be as high as 90%. But survival is different for everyone, again depending on the three factors above. All the best to you at this difficult time. You can read more about treatment, types and signs at:

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Friday, August 1, 2008

Is it possible to survive breast cancer with early detection

Is it possible to survive breast cancer with early detection?
My mother is getting a biopsy on her breast(s) on Monday to see if she's got breast cancer and this is the first year they've detected anything on the mammogram. Anyway, if she does have breast cancer will she survive it?
Cancer - 6 Answers
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1 :
Of course, I did. Granted I had a bi-lateral mastectomy but I don't care. I have life and to me that's more important than having breast. Besides, I'm to old to have kids and my husband said he can always fondle my shoulder blades. (he has a one track mind ) ADD Sunflower, just for the record, mine was malignant invasive ductal carcinoma, which means it already went into the tissue and it was fast growing. I had a mammogram, MRI, biopsy and mastectomy within a week. It is possible and I did catch it as soon as I felt the lump in my breast. I wasted no time in getting in touch with my Dr,. So no matter what kind of cells, it can be caught and gone in no time. Thumbs up for you though because that's a good point and may make women take notice sooner if they feel a lump.
2 :
Probably. You will have to wait until all the tests are in and ask the doc. Depends on how big it is, what type of cells are in it (fast/slow/wild growing), if it has spread, etc. Just pray that it will be something easy for the docs to fix.
3 : we have a picture the breast cancer disease ..and now she healthty ...
4 :
With early detection and early, aggressive treatment, almost all breast cancer sufferers survive it (around 80% of women survive with or without early detection). Thanks to a lot of very dedicated and very loud cancer awareness supporters, breast cancer is one of the most treatable and advanced sciences in medicine. Particularly, if your mother has already gone through menopause, her chances of her cancer being slow growing are very high. Since she's getting routine mammograms, if there is anything there, it has been detected early, and she most likely has good insurance. Unfortunately, insurance makes a big difference in survival rates. The best treatments are still very costly. If she does not have insurance, medicaid will cover her now, however, and that's good news. Remember that mammograms detect all kinds of tumors - not just cancerous ones. Hang in there, and try to stay calm. Encourage your mother to educate herself on cancer, either way. I hope she comes back with good news.
5 :
Breast cancer is one that many people survive if it is caught early. Breast cancer is diagnosed in stages from 0-4. Once all the tests come back the oncologist and your mom's cancer team will meet and give her the stage her cancer is in. Once you have the stage there are statistics that tell you a survival rate for a five year period. Off the top of my head Stage 0 100%, 1 is 95%, 2 is 85%, 3 55% 4 22%, again this is a rough estimate here is a link to staging and survival rates: So, if it is caught early it is survivable, but it is a hard road ahead.
6 :
The best way to deal with breast cancer before being diagnosed and after is to be completely knowledgeable about how dangerous breast cancer. Educating yourself about its symptoms, signs and causes can help you detect it early and also avoid it. With every woman being at the risk of getting this cancer. There are many thousands of women suffering from breast cancer and who face the associated medical treatment that follows diagnosis. But there are many more women who suffer from the fear of contracting the disease. To avoid unnecessary anxiety is an important consideration in establishing a positive mental attitude and maintaining health with confidence. We also have to avoid any of the factors that are likely to lead to cancer starting with all the recognized carcinogens and learn more about how dangerous breast cancer

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