Wednesday, May 4, 2011

What should you eat if you have a breast cancer? Anything food that could kill the cancer cells

What should you eat if you have a breast cancer? Anything food that could kill the cancer cells?
My grandmother is in a bad condition of breast cancer, and I was wondering what she should eat, any help? Oh, by the way, any food that could kill or lower the cancer cell percentage would be great. I am a 16 girl, so i don't know much about it, so please help!! ^__^ Thank you!!
Cancer - 9 Answers
Random Answers, Critics, Comments, Opinions :
1 :
Your grandmother should really seek chemotherapy. It will make her hair gradually fall out, but the cancer might go into recession. There is no cure for cancer yet, no matter how many people say their "cancer was cured" by chemotherapy. Cancer and live cells die through that method. It only recedes. There will not be any basic food that can kill cancer or lower the cell percentage. Not even advanced treatments work yet. Her condition is serious, and cancer is terminal. I can't sugarcoat it, that's the truth.
2 :
You asked the perfect question for the spammers to come out! NO food will kill cancer. She can eat whatever she wants. Since her radiation is or will be so close to the throat, her taste buds may be altered and things that were once good to her, may taste bad or, like me, taste like paper! IF her blood counts drop, the dr may tell her to eat thoroughly cooked foods, again, whatever she wants...just no rare meat, things like that. EX and Skep are more than fools; they're also morons. They have NOT had cancer, like most of us regulars on here. I bet they will also give you the link for the prod that kills the worms causing your cancer! Let's see how long they live with cancer and treat themselves. I bet they become a believer in the drs damn fast!! Oh sorry SkepDoc! I've been out of the loop for a while. Didn't even know where he came from! He's blocked me anyway, so forget that crazy!
3 :
No foods that I know of will kill cancer trust me there would be a lot more people in my family if there was. There is one thing that could be done with the diet if chemotherapy is involved. There should be a reduction in Vitamin E because this will sometimes work against the Chemo. We are praying for your grandmother.
4 :
There are no foods that will kill cancer cells, and no foods that will affect the progress of cancer in any way. A healthy diet is important, as always, but she shouldn't deny herself foods that she likes or feel under pressure to eat foods she doesn't want. Having cancer and cancer treatments really is bad enough without feeling you have to follow particular diets - none of which have been proven to have any effect. If she has chemotherapy, her tastes may change; again, the best thing for her to eat is whatever she wants and feels will make her feel better. It isn't my experience or that of anyone I know that radiotherapy for breast cancer affects food taste in any way. Best wishes to your grandmother for her treatment. I have been in remission from breast cancer for over 5 years, following surgery, chemotherapy and radiotherapy. ============= Edit. In view of the claims made here that diet will prevent and cure cancer, I'll tell you my story. Before my diagnosis with an aggressive breast cancer, I had the sort of diet both Skepcrock and Exsheepie would almost certainly regard as a near perfect anti-cancer diet. I'm a vegan, which means I eat no animal products - no meat, no dairy, no eggs. I had been a vegan for over 8 years when I was diagnosed, and had been vegetarian for most of my life, an 'almost vegan' for a couple of decades before becoming completely vegan (I was 50). I ate (and still eat) a largely organic diet; I kept (and keep) processed foods to a minimum; my diet was and is very high in vegetables and fruit. In addition, I have never smoked and I exercise regularly (I am typing this before walking 2 miles to the gym, which is what I do most mornings when I'm not working). I was (not so much now) a juicing fanatic, starting most days with green juice. None of this stopped me developing advanced breast cancer, and none of it cured my cancer. Through cancer suppor networks I have met three other vegans with breast cancer, one of them a lifelong vegan, and dozens of vegetarians and healthy eaters with cancer. Skepcrock questions my motives; he is trying to imply that I and other answerers are paid promoters of cancer drugs, but knows his post will be deleted if he says it outright. The difference between my position and that of the two posters who claim it's all about diet is that I speak from experience, rather than simply repeating things I have read on the internet but have no actual experience of. Exsheepie has advised laetrile/B17. Please don't pass this advise on to your grandmother; this is one of the few 'alternative cancer treatments' that has been thoroughly tested and it has been found to be completely ineffective against cancer. Not only that, but it is dangerous as it contains cyanide ======== EDIT @Skepcrock/Paddy: You say ''Very peculiar, you request the asker's trust in your response, while simultaneously promising to censure another poster based on your objection to their viewpoint. Isn't that bullying ?'' You have selected a small part of what I said, and quoted it out of context. I did not 'promise to censure' anybody; I explained your motives for 'wondering' about the agendas of people with a different viewpoint from your own, and that you now made your accusations in a roundabout and discreet way, rather than outright. When in the past you called me or anyone else here a liar or a drug pusher, your posts were reported. Now that you've learned to be more discreet (some would say sly), they do not get reported. You KNOW that's what I said; it is your selective and out of context quoting that is the bully boy tactic. I would have thought that when someone says ''I'll tell you my story'', it would be apparent to anyone with basic reading and comprehension skills that what followed would be an anecdote. My anecdote was provided, as I made clear, because two people had claimed that a diet and lifestyle such as my own would be effective in preventing and treating cancer. Had I said ''I'll give you unequivocal proof'' and followed it with my own case history, you would have reason for your sneering; but I didn't. You say ''you stressed that people should not listen to those "with no experience of cancer".'' At no point in my answer did I say, let alone stress, that the asker, or anyone else, should 'not listen' to anyone; and the quote you give there is not from my answer. No part of my answer is copied and pasted; I am consistent in what I say though, that's true.
5 :
Gray Soul, Sadly people like those above think because they don't of any food that combats cancer then there must be none! How ignorant is that, how much time have they devoted to researching the topic before they sprout their ill informed conclusions? Firstly don't listen to ANYBODY who tells you there is not without first you spending many hours researching it for yourself. There are foods which combat cancer and thousands of people have come through serious cancer by proper nutrition. Don't go to conventional doctors who don't understand cancer and do not know what causes it yet they give dangerous chemotherapy or radiation which kills your immune system and surgery which does not deal with the cause, and cancer returns even more aggressively. You have to give up dairy and meat which are known to cause cancer, only eat organic vegetables which have not been sprayed with chemicals and pesticides which cause cancer. Eating raw is very effective against cancer. Eat pear and apple seeds, pinapple and brockly, B17 and apricots seeds combat cancer, stop drinking tap water which has fluoride (rat poison) which destroys the thyroid and leads to cancer, drink at least 2 litres of bottled spring water a day, exercise as much as possible. Take vitamin supplements as most food has lost its minerals and nutritional content due to modern farming. The cure for cancer was discovered 50 years ago, there are clinics in Mexico, Africa and Germany that have cured thousands of people of cancer and aids who had been sent home by conventional medicine. Did you know that breast screening can lead to cancer and a greater about of women who get breast screed end up with cancer. Is it any surprise with all that radiation? Did you know that half of women diagnosed with breast cancer do not have breast cancer only a lump which can be treated through natural nutrition? Oh yes there is no business like the cancer business, if they disclosed a cure many many people would be out of a job and many people would loose fortunes, for cancer is one of the biggest profit making industries on earth. The same people who control the cancer business also control the government and the mainstream media. That's why you won’t hear anything about cancer cures in the mainstream media because they are get suppressed and away from the public, there is too much money to be lost. People must realise that the government and medical establishment don’t care about your health; it's about money not care. In the 1960's they supposedly had the technology to land 3 stooges on the moon and return in a tiny capsule all the way back to earth without a scratch!............YET! 60 years later with over billions of government funding and charitable contributions, thousands upon thousands of scientists researching the topic and they haven’t found a cure yet??????? Yeah right just how gullible are people? They supposedly don't even know what causes it??? Don't you wonder why NO politician or member of the Royal family ever dies of cancer except Princess Margret who like Diana was a thorn in the establishment? That’s because they had the knowledge from above in how to combat cancer. Go to this web site and see the evidence and testimonials for your self. Don't believe anything you are told until you find out for your self. To find the truth seek out what is false and there truth will be. Research, research, research and research and don't stop researching. Good luck.
6 :
I'm answering this only because of what "ex-sheepie" said. He's a fool. Anyone can go to a public library, pick up any book they want about cancer, then pick up books that someone got paid a lot of money to write and do their own "research", Yea, good one. All claims of cancer being cured by foods is such a mystery because why haven't they come forth and told the world to share their wonderful news. Why are they being so selfish as to keep it to themselves? Why? because there isn't any one such person alive. Dead maybe, but not alive. And before you mention Suzanne Sommers, please, she used conventional medicine, had a short term of chemo but also took vitamin and herbs and was "cured" Who or what did she give this credit too? Vitamins, herbs. Her book is lies based on what she wants to believe but in her heart, she knows it's a farce. Well, guess some people will do anything to make money. A true researcher is a scientist who's been researching everything and anything for years and years to find a cure for cancer. My researcher above here said that Africa has cured cancer? Why isn't the African gov giving us his secrets for lats of money. Listen,,,I had breast cancer AFTER 2 yrs of drinking this"fool proof" tea that keeps cancer away. What a joke, Nice words after you think you've taken such good care of yourself, or so you thought and then a Dr said to me "you have breast cancer" Oh no this can't be. I drank that tea. I ate only the best cancer preventing food.! This has to be wrong!" Nope, not wrong. So forget the diet, Enjoy whatever your Dr says. you can eat, which is just about anything you want. Sorry to go on like this, but when I can see, feel, and talk to someone who has been cured through food, and the scientific proof to go along with it. then maybe, Right now, NO. No, no. Good luck ADDThank you Dave. We do have to remember this is just a forum for opinions and advice. Some feel storng about their convictions while others, like me, go off on them. I did go off quite a bit didn't I? When I know something is leading another in the wrong direction, I just have to step in. Just like Lo-mcg, Techtard, and April. Have a good day.
7 :
Colon, pancreatic ,and prostate cancers are connected to a high intake of meat and dairy foods, so your grandmother will want to avoid those products at all costs. Instead, she should concentrate on a diet high in fruits and vegetables. Raw whenever possible is better, if thats unappetizing, put the plant food in a blender and make drinks. The more food she consumes that is alkaline,( versus acidic ) the better. Macrobiotic diets are best. Ex sheepie provides an informative answer, and has tips for additional foods to take. The "advice" given by regulars, who apparently imply its alright to consume steak and cheese sandwiches, cheesecake, donuts, aspartame laced sodas, etc daily ( along with the chemo of course ) while great for a few chuckles, should at best be discounted. One has to wonder what their real agenda is for making such ludicrous inferences .Common sense should prevail, see these links. lo_mcg - Where to start ? Your "argument" is riddled with so many discrepancies ( like holes in Gorgonzola cheese ) there is simply not enough space to list all of them. You insist on proven ( versus unproven ) treatments for cancer, yet, is that not an anecdote you are providing here ? I have even noticed you disparage anecdotes that are provided as possible evidence of success in alternative cancer treatments. Where, in your answers of course. Wow. Perhaps its easier for you to make such contradictory statements so long as you believe they will remain unchallenged. "His post will be deleted". Another contradiction. Very peculiar, you request the asker's trust in your response, while simultaneously threatening to censure another poster based on your objection to their viewpoint. Isn't that bullying ? In your copy and pasted response you stressed that people should not listen to those "with no experience of cancer". Everybody has had experience with cancer, including myself with my mother. Or, is that just an anecdote ? And minuscule traces of cyanide in B17 ( also found in almonds ), is that worse than cisplatin ? That argument is right up there in absurdness next to the one about the "dangers" vegans face by not getting enough vitamin B12. I'll let you have the last word here, perhaps that should be your compensation for making statements that easily crumble under scrutiny.
8 :
She should just eat regular food, a well balanced diet from all food groups. In this case I would ever suggest she take a multivitamin as well, though I don't recommend them for healthy people. There are no foods that "kill cancer cells" Some of the Alties have told you that there are foods to cure cancer. They lie, and they have no clue what they are talking about. While it is true that there is some evidence that a high fat diet may be linked to some types of cancer, there is no such link to breast cancer. "Cancer" is not one disease, but over 200 different diseases which have different treatments. In breast cancer, depending on how far advanced it is on diagnosis, various medical therapies will be recommended. First of course is surgery to remover the cancerous tissue...this may be a lumpectomy, or a mastectomy depending on the spread of disease. Chemotherapy will typically be suggested as an adjuvant. Her oncologist will offer her the most up to date medical advice depending on the exact type of her cancer, and whether it is localised to her breast, or spread beyond. When it comes to real is dangerous to take the advice of alternative groupies. ---------------------------------------- EDIT April, when you say that "Skep is a fool"...please clarify that you mean SkepCroc....the former Paddy...who is using the current handle as an apparent insult towards me. I agree, though, that he and ex sheepie are complete morons. It is disgusting to me that they skulk around forums like this with their "Dr Google" acquired, conspiracy theory influenced,useless information.
9 :
As far as we know there is no food that can help. But two years ago at ASCO the major cancer meeting in the US, there was data suggesting that breast cancer patients with higher vitamin D levels do much better than those with low levels and most of us are deficient. There is no known downside to keeping your vitamin D levels optimal so get her D levels checked and put on supplements. You can see reviews of the data on breast cancer and vitamin D at

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